Logbook entry


24 May 2024CountRedTalon
Stardate: MAY24 3310

its been a while since i've done one of these been way too busy with my training. Zed has been an inspiration to behold he is way more skilled then any of my guard and standing army. he trained me on how to fly and fight, i see my self becoming a great fighter pilot thanks to his guidance. just a while ago he ended my training and said "i've given you the tools you need to succeed now all you need is experience", at first i considered his brain must have short circuited but i respected his opinion. well i'm glad i did cause i became an excellent fighter pilot running security hunting bandits, i was excellent at being a count for her majesty but this i WAS BORN FOR THIS never have i felt so alive to be released from my training and to feel the power of my own vessel. after a while i began to impress Cmdr zed and he took me fully under his wing, i think hes gonna start a squadron soon cause ive seen many new people over the past few months i even had to collect some of his new friends. the two who left the biggest impression was one fiery girl who has promise as a fighter her name was Imidris or something and a girl that was just a blank slate named Galuria, it would seem her memories were wiped how i couldn't say but she was hyper nice though.

Anyway aside from being a fighter pilot ive taken a new hobby of exploring and studying the galaxy. the things ive seen makes me even regret being a governor lord. Such beauty can not be described by mortal words. ive seen stars larger than imagination, planets of great life, a white dwarf that held massive power (trust me ik it almost killed me), and to top it off the ultimate power and beauty of a black hole. the black hole left an impression on me showing the true power of the galaxy how something can be so tiny yet powerful and gorgeous. it was an eye opening experience, i couldn't stop going near it was like siren from the stories of old singing her beautiful intoxicating song luring me closer and closer till i was only a mega meter away. i sat there just starting into the abyss as it stared back, i felt clam yet terrified, it was as if i could almost touch it hold it feel it. it was an intoxicating experience, it wasnt till my ship blared my thargoid alarm that i exited my trans, crapping my pants i left in a hurry (gotta clean my suit after that scare).

Oh i almost forgot i pulled some strings with an old friend over in the Faulcon Delacy corporation to get my hands on the new early model. the python mark2 is a high mobility fighter that is hand crafted to kill big ships and i knew that it was my kinda ship by the description. me and my friend had a nice conversation it seems hes actually a co lead of the python mk2 project so thats cool. he did ask if i was still a governor and well that lead to a 5 hour conversation about what im up to. he seemed happy to see me doing so well but he did warn me not to fly that close to a black hole again in witch we chuckled. it was nice to see him again, maybe ill go back home to visit and see how the people are doing. any way it was nice to do one of these again maybe ill try to do them more often.

this is Countredtalon signing off
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