Logbook entry

si vis pacem para bellum

27 May 2024CountRedTalon
well... i am dreading this log but i have to make it one way or other. i visited my old home system where i ruled as a planetary governor, i wanted to see how my mother and sisters were doing as well as my people. the moment i was about to enter the system everything started flashing and my thargoids alarm was blaring before i knew it my hyper drive failed chucking me outta hyperspace, i knew this well i was hyperdicted, the thargoid vessel started to attack me for seemingly no reason. i was confused why this thargoid was so hostile to me but had no time to think i imminently wiped my ship around and a great battle commenced. i have fought many pirates and even some other CMDRs but this was on a whole other level, i barely survived the encounter. when i entered the system final what i saw shook me to my core, thargoids everywhere, without hesitation i leaped to my home planet only to find it shrouded in caustic clouds and my home city in ruins. the anger i felt in this moment was unimaginable, the bodies littered the ground i could only imagine the carnage that happened here. i searched the remains of my home to find any survivor, it was a soul crushing experience to see families that i did everything to protect and make sure prosper lay dead in each others arms i... i even found my greatest friend and old steward that helped my reign go smoothly in the rubble of the house i personally helped him build. looking through the marbled halls of my hold i found a data log, it said that the royal families were evacuated but the data file was a bit damaged so i couldn't find out where. i hoped on my ship and with swelling emotion and rage in my heart i flew to the nearest spire.

you know CMDR zed once told me during my training "the last time i let my emotions control me i was heavily wounded" as he points to his collar bone "the only reason i survived was because where he struck was just machinery, i was lucky, but i could have very well lost my head in that moment and all because i could no wrangle my emotions don't make that same mistake.". i knew what he told me was important but i just couldn't stop my self and when i saw that spire about 50km away i just let go. when i awoke from my rage induced trance i looked to my left and saw combat bounds 5 billion CR. i return to the station in varayah a new man bathed in the blood of the thargoids. when i got there i saw a familiar face, it was zed talking to some random trader. he must have seen me pass him because he started to approach me and said "hey red i saw your ship come in, looks like you got into some fights good job. your ship looks like it reeks of ammonia should probably get a wash" i said and simply look him dead in the eyes for a full 3 seconds and with a soulless expression walked into the concourse bar. he seemed to followed me to the bar and told that bartender that my drinks are on him tonight and then looked at me and said with a soft tone, something he has never done before, "i know and im sorry" he then proceeded to walk away. i then drowned my sorrows away, sadly i had a filter cybernetic that didnt allow me to get poisoned (politics agghhh) that includes alcohol.

later on i saw zed again and i told him what really happened, he seemed just as angry as i was. i told him that i was going to join the Anti-Xeno Initiative as a merc to help pay back their crimes. he asked me what i planed on doing in there, and i told him that was going to hit them where it hurts im going after the titan. his eyes witch were normal magenta flashed a faint blue glow for only a second after i said that. i told him i might not return and that if i didn't to look for my mother and sisters if he could (handing him a damaged data pad). he simply noded and i got up to head to my ship. as i was just about to enter the elevator he called out to me and said "ill get the data off this pad for you make sure you come back to find them yourself".

i entered the system where hada was located and joined up with 18 other members. they were a hearty bunch to say the least but they deftly knew what they are doing. we entered about 70km away from the titan and were imminently assaulted by all kinds of thargoid vessels one of witch was a hydra the biggest of the bunch. i dueled the hydra for what seemed like hours trying to distract it from the main assault force. it was monster, thrashing my ship to pieces little by little and when i was at only 10% hull left the leader came in and hit it with the largest plasma volley ive ever seen, it didn't even stand a chance. finally we approached the titan, and it was HUGE larger than any vessel i have ever even imagined but yet we still commenced our assault. after 3 days of fighting and three near death experiences we finally got its core and it went into melt down, after 24 hours the vessel blew. my vengeance was complete and i had survived the encounter. i returned to varayah to rest a bit and saw zed there yet again his vessel completely drenched in thargoid blood even more than mine was. i approached him and waved saying "well looks like those damn bugs couldn't stand against your might" he starred at his ship proud and answered "its gonna cost a lot to replace that melted Armour but no where near what i just made off those bugs". i went back to my ship and passed out. i wake up today with a message from zed only show coordinates.
this is Countredtalon signing off
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