Logbook entry

The squadron

28 May 2024CountRedTalon
its been a day since the thargoid incident and i have done a lot since. after my full attack on the titan hada i returned home, seeing that the thargoids there were driven off, i felt at least a bit better. i decided that i should take a break to calm down after the down fall of the titan and head to my old friend zed he sent me a message saying he was making a squadron and he would like me to be apart of it. when i entered the coordinates on my screen i was welcomed by a massive fleet carrier. when i docked zed welcomed me personally with two others by his side, they both had skull helmets and dressed in an intimidating attire. i already knew one she was the person i ferried to varayah named imidris and the other was relatively average other than his aura witch could kill a man just by being near it. he would have stayed that way if it wasn't for him pulling out a candy bar and devouring it in record time (it was fair to say he like his food). later on i met the crew each person unique in there own way (zed sure dose know how to pick them) imidris was ok at ground combat and air combat but needed work in both, the man from earlier was rosheka and from i can tell he is not great behind the cockpit but deadly on the field, galria was interesting to say the least from what i can tell she really didn't have much going for her but then again zed is a insanely smart man so i trust that she will grow with time and has hidden talents ive yet seen. the group wasn't much look at up front but it wouldn't stay that way for long first id get to know them.

firstly i wanted to get to know this mysterious rosheka so i asked zed how i could go about it. well it turns out that he REALLY LIKES FOOD, like really likes it, so came up with a plan. i went to the carriers kitchen and baked up my world famous (at least on my planet) apple pie with home made ice cream (always the classic at least for my planet). when he entered the kitchen i saw his eyes inside his helmet light up as he nonchalantly strolled up to me and said "looks good though i would have added some bacon to it" this comment floored me and i gave him the most horrifed look of disgust. he then went on to explain why bacon is just good with everything but i didn't hear a word of it because i was contemplating just killing him right then and there for his sacrilege. after i got over my sudden murderous rage i told him "NO im not putting stupid bacon on my apple pie you gosh darn brute" he answered with a shrug. i offered him a piece even thou what he said had to be a war crime somewhere to witch he then took it to the table, sat down, and produced the most luxurious spoon i have ever even witnessed... and im royalty. it was made of low-temp diamond top and... get this a void opal handle, man has his priorities SET, he then proceeded to RIP APART THAT PIE. i asked him what he has done in the past, to witch he responded with just one word that shook me a bit "crimes" (yep that seems right). after hes done eating he cleaned his spoon like it was the emperor's own spoon and returned to his room. it is fair to say hes dangerous but i can tell that he can work together with us maybe to get him to follow my orders i could have some nutrient bars with me just to bribe him. ill get top know the others later for now ill head to my room and head to bed.
this is Countredtalon signing off
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