Logbook entry


30 May 2024CountRedTalon
Stardate: 5/30/3310
*ALARM Blaring in the background*-it so this is how it is. you know i was just going to my old home but it seemed that this medusa doesn't like that. there's no way i could beat this on my own should i call for help, would they even make it........ you know what i would normally run in this scenario... but im not running, not this time. ill make this medusa feel the wrath of my people... *pushes button* "DEPLOYING HARD POINTS" I WONT BACK DOWN!! !!!FOR GLORY!!! *slams the throttle and hits boost* "WARNING SHIELDS DROPPING" COME ON YOU BASTARD JOIN ME IN MY DANSE MACABRE! *thargoid shield goes down* NOW!! *targets the heart ripping it apart* "WARNING SHIELDS AT 25%" *the thargoid vessel lets out a screech as the weapons hit 3 more hearts before it shield returns* THAT'S RIGHT BASTARD I BET THAT HURTS "WARNING SUSTAINING HULL DAMAGE" *red talon's hull drops from 100% to 56% in seconds* DAMN IT YOU'RE NOT GONNA MAKE THIS EASY ON ME *he boosts away recharging his shield then turns on the vessel and unloads on it to drop its shields, once the shield falls he hits another 2 hearts before its shield comes back online.* "WARNING SHIELDS OFFLINE" *the thargoid vessel hits him with all its might and manages to get him to 10% before he boosts away but it's not gonna let him get away he slowly drops hull points... 9 8 7 6 5 4* "SHIELDS ONLINE" *he suddenly flips his vessel facing the thargoid.* YOU WILL FALL THIS IS MY STORY THIS IS MY DESTINY *with a burning passion and images of his people in his mind he fires all of his ammo. the thargoid's final heart bursts and it final falls letting out a blood curdling screech before it explodes in a massive caustic cloud* *heavy breathing* i.... i got him... i actually got him...."WARNING THARGOID VESSELS INBOUND" crap i gotta go. wait is my log on damn it....

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