Logbook entry

18 OCT 3302 - Suri you jest?

18 Oct 2016Pitchzer0
Well, I am back in the bubble.

Heading to Jaques was fun, and the liquor was great, but my creds started drying up and there wasn't anything much to do out there but mine and drink.

Or drink while mining.

It was time for me to go.

I left the Ghost docked at Jaques, I am planning to carve out a little place for myself there, it didn't make any sense to bring it back to the bubble only to have to take it there again. And, there might be the issue of a little wager I owe the dockmaster, and he has decided to keep a very close eye on my ship for me until I pay him. What happened to the days when a man could be taken at his word to settle a debt? At least the old girl is locked up airtight until I get back...

I ended up hitchin' a ride back with a T-9 crew as a watch pilot on the Wanaque Legacy, or as I began to refer to it as the Wanadrink Legacy. This must have been a good cred run, these guys stayed sauced from the end of their shift to the beginning of their next, no doubt hungover on some of Jaques' best. And this T-9, this ol' girl is a beast to handle! No boost to speak of, thrusters are junk, and its turn speed is measured in minutes. When I had my first shift, I thought I was drunk with the way this thing handled! This is a BIG girl, you aren't doing the cha-cha or the rhumba with this lady, she only likes to dance slow and steady.

I guess the Legacy's crew has done these long runs to Jaques before. One old spacer on the rackrats crew (storage handlers) was telling me the various goings on back in the bubble before they left port on this trip. Actually, it was more like I picked up various topics of interest as the old guy guzzled down enough of Jaques' firewater to fuel a Sidewinder. It was dinner in the mess, but I swear I didn't see this guy eat a bite. It seems the good folks at the CCN are planning a multi-ship convoy to Colonia to help spur along the colonization effort. Not just trade ships, the old man told me, but passenger ships too! Colonia Militia is supposed to be doing security. I tried to get the old man to tell me more, but he passed out on a shipping crate, drooling from the side of his mouth, murmuring something about "Aisling, cutie of the starways".

A convoy, with security, heading for Jaques?!! That sounds like an opportunity to make a serious amount of creds, my palm began to itch. For the rest of the return trip, all I could think about what it would take, how big of a haul would I have to make to get my ship out of hock....ahh hell.

My ship.

The Ghost is still back in Colonia under lock and key.

Well first things first, as my momma used to say. I need to get another ship. With the little cred I got as a non-drunk member of the Legacy crew, I hopped a transport back to Suri Gateway in Vesuvit. Before I left for Colonia, I stashed an Asp here and a very undeveloped Python that I got for a steal! Of course, the reason why it was so cheap was the gang I bought it from stripped it to the bulkheads and just left a single pilot chair. In their defense, it was billed as modded for "light weight".

The plan?

Make some cred, buy a ship and hope to get it outfitted in time to cash in on the Colonia gravy convoy.

I think I will have to find myself a T-9, I was always smitten by big bottomed girls....
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