Cmdr Caim
Mercenary / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Eagle Mk II EPA-04
Overall assets
Educated Pilots Association

Logbook entry

The old Home

07 Oct 2023Caim
I am back, Cupis system, my old home. It's been a long time since I've been here. My old Eagle MK II from my days in the Federal Military was still here too, even if it had some rust here and there. My first destination point was an old civilian settlement on the moon of the 5th planet. The bar there had good beer, where the recruits always celebrated on weekends that they hadn't crashed. I hadn't even been able to order my first when a woman approached me to ask if I happened to be a mercenary. She was having trouble with increased data thefts from settlements she was responsible for. She knew who was behind it, but the local authorities probably didn't give it a high priority. She gave me the coordinates of a base in the neighboring Feng system where this criminal gang had set up shop and I was supposed to teach them a lesson. All this did not sound difficult, so I accepted the mission. On approach to the station in the target system I noticed a suspicious amount of air traffic over the base, I did a scan and saw ground guns and anti-aircraft guns.... a military base, Great. This was not a criminal gang, but a local military mercenary force. The lady had left out that little detail. I landed a little ways off and checked out the area, unfortunately when I went to look at the lineup of buildings I was noticed and they weren't too happy to see intruders there. The alarm was sounded and the whole base was on combat alert. Now, of course, the anti-aircraft guns and the planes over the base were alerted. I quickly sent my ship into orbit via autopilot before the guys could confirm their nervous pointing finger. Now I had a problem that I had to take out the base's anti-aircraft or I would be stuck here.

On the way to the command center, I had to take out some guards, which the mission required somewhere. I turned off the defenses and alarms and made a quick exit. I wandered away from the base for a while to be sure about the planes. The expansion of the energy capacity that I first had built into the suit was already paying off. When I was far enough away, I called my ship back, the planes noticed me anyway, but I could disappear fast enough.

When I was back in Cupis, approaching the ground settlement, I somehow had the thought that this moon reminded me of a desert planet from a damn old movie. The lady who gave me the order, I had first held a proper telling off that you can not just give an order and then relevant details simply omitted. In her opinion, I did exactly what she wanted, because I had "removed" some mercenaries of the base, forcibly.... and for the aggravated circumstances, as she called it, there was still a bonus to the actually agreed payment.
An interesting first day in the old home.
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