Logbook entry

Raxxla may be a legend, but the Guardians are not!

31 Dec 2023Fortuna D

While there is little consistency among the various tales about Raxxla, the Guardians are real, and left their mark on the galaxy. In fact, they may still be around, only invisible to us. Three Commanders spent a couple of months exploring some of the regions once ruled by the Guardians and two volumes of information are available for those interested.

Signs of the Guardians and their past are to be found in some regions, and it's not about the more recent structures, visited to gather materials for engineering. No, it's all about the Ancient Guardian Ruins. The first volume of the "Nebulas & Guardians — beauty and mystery in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey" was published in November, as the Fleet Carrier The Yellow Star was on the move to a second region to explore further the architecture and layouts of the different sites. It's not just about the Guardians, though, as Nebulas, Exobiology and other wonders of the galaxy are revealed in photos and text.

The eBook — 53 spreads — covers the work of the three Commanders - my alts - participating in this expedition. Attributing different tasks to each of them makes for some “role-playing” that makes things interesting but also helps to reduce the boredom that can happen if you’re a long time away from the bubble, stuck with only one character.

Having three Commanders, each of them responsible for different areas of the field work, allows you to change from exobiology to archaeology or planetary investigation. It is an interesting arrangement that I've now taken further, by introducing mining for Tritium (needed to power the Fleet Carrier), as another experience that can be explored… safely, away from the Bubble. I am aware that it is not the most exciting way to spend time, but it can be taken as “something else to do” and a way to keep you in the black for longer.

With the "Nebulas & Guardians — beauty and mystery in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey" - Volume II", 44 spreads long, published in December, those interested have now a document to to use as a guide to explore two regions rich in variety, beauty and mystery. Enjoy the eBooks and may the words and photos seduce you to visit the places in EDO.

The Yellow Star Fleet Carrier continues its journey, exploring new worlds in the galaxy, to share the beauty of the universe waiting for new Commanders. Or "new eyes" to old Commanders...
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