Logbook entry

the things we do

07 Oct 2023Woo
how is it that we live with the things we do?
are we unencumbered by consciousness or do we learn to live with it?
i met with an old acquaintance earlier today.
she was not in a good place.

anika is based on a system that is controlled by an anarchist faction. but the last couple of years have been challenging. commanders have largely increased their attacks on anarchist factions, raiding settlements, sabotaging production, stealing data and killing personnel. all for personal gain. profit.

the pilots federation does not care for anarchist governments as they do for corporate or democracies, for an example. no notoriety will come out of such attacks, leaving commanders very comfortable with attacking those settlements and disrupting entire systems and governments, leaving citizens under constant infrastructure failure and terrorist attacks between famine, outbreaks and droughts.

according to the data she showed me, it won't be long before her faction could be retreated from the system, being left with their home system alone, that is also under huge pressure for the same reason. that would mean lower expansion capabilities and lower supply on top of the constant distress caused by commanders that either disregard the powers at play and just climb naval ranks in exchange for technology, equipment or permits, or those that defend the autocrats under the illusion that they are accounted for as being more than just numbers on the front line during war time.

and while all these people carry on regardless of the future of human kind, regardless of the many other lives, regardless of the effects of their actions... well.. i drink. i drink my pain away. no peace of mind, just a little numb. numb enough to retribute, but i am not proud of my actions. just trying to tip the scales and hoping for equality and justice. what a far fetched dream.

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