Logbook entry

refuse / resist

27 Oct 2023Woo

it's been a turbulent stretch, joining the marlinists in their fight against close encounter corps. we've set up in this system, and the heat is rising faster than a star going supernova. this corporate faction, backed by commanders, ain't given us an inch of space. i was called a fool earlier, for insisting on a conflict with bad odds as this one, despite the many victories the alliance for marlinist independence accumulate after more than one year into this conflict. the tension in the mega ship is palpable. the influence has been going down on the system, as a big number of commanders apparently are promoting corpocrats. the pressure is escalating, and it's clear that the oppressors are determined to crush the movement.

the surrounding systems are under the same stress. every outpost, every star port, every settlement... that's all people talk about. many are discontent with the ongoing affair, some are rejoicing the opportunity to deploy their hard points and cause havoc. bounties are building up on every administration and some commanders seem to hoist those numbers like flags, proud of the destruction they leave behind in their wake. i think this is just the beginning. close encounters corps not only have the ship numbers, but they also spare no opportunities to disinform with a propaganda, that combined with the stigma marlinists carry, make this a nearly impossible campaign. one that not only has to liberate, but endure and maintain systems against the constant pressure.

most commanders roam the galaxy clueless about the powers at play and the repercussions of their actions. they see federation, empire and alliance and think that's all. oblivious to the fact that those major factions are built and sustained by minor factions and system citizens. not to mention that these super powers continuously attempt to prevent independents from thriving both through expansion and suppression, orbiting politics like super massive black holes, engulfing any attempt steer away from their control.

amidst the turmoil, there's a glimmer of hope. dialogue is our lifeline, our beacon in these dark times. i find myself yearning for more to understand, to join the conversation, and stand beside the marlinists. the independent movement is a flicker of defiance in a galaxy ruled by major factions and mega squadrons. it's a testament to the power of individual voices joining together for a cause. the marlinists need our support, our understanding. i wish more could see the importance of this struggle, the fight for freedom. the mainstream narrative often overshadows these small movements, but they carry the dreams of those who refuse to bow to the giants. my hope is that more will come to comprehend the significance of this fight. united, we can shift the balance, make the galaxy a place where independence and freedom have their rightful place.

i'll keep reaching out, engaging in dialogue, and standing with the marlinists. their cause is worth it, even when it feels like we're just whispers in the void.
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