Logbook entry


06 Jan 2024Woo
a new cycle has just begun.
as usual, full of hopes... ideas...

3310... years since this particular calendar has been implemented on planet earth by a pope, making an adjustment on leap years. so much in that timeline... so much before. timestamps, much like landmarks, set boundaries and from celebration we draw inspiration. patterns and examples dance through our imaginary, while we reinvent ourselves with a touch of creativity. not that different than every awakening, when one's brain reconsolidastes the self right before engaging the brand new day.

but, this new year, i intend to shuffle things a little, again. the SXXS no longer exists. I've been thinking about it for a while, and as i believe that the revolution is not going to be on the galnet, the sunstoners felt more like a sweet dream, rather than something practical. it was a good opportunity to meet some groups and commanders both like-minded and otherwise. such exposure was not going to be so natural and interesting if not because of what i wanted to accomplish with the SXXS. but it is time for me to move in a different way. nothing and no one is being left behind, but in order to build on it, i decided to reshape it. to change the vessel.

the squadron was intended to be a small and organized group to operate within groups and ideologies that favor the human revolution. but i know that the revolution is not gonna be on the galnet... day after day, the SXXS made less and less sense. i was punching knives. when the repercussion of some combined actions, situations and efforts became an issue beyond the organization itself, i decided to rethink it and make sure that would not happen again. in order to be as responsible as i believe i should be when leading a squadron, i am now relieving myself from a burden and a curse. the burden was mine to bear... and the curse mine to spread. not anymore. I will follow the same ideal... the same plan. i just don't need to convince no one other than myself.

new horizons. with the official end of the SXXS, new opportunities arise. more immersion and a new depth for exploration of the nuanced cosmic tapestry, that includes our ambitious species and its complex arrangements.
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