Logbook entry

Ship Maintenance - Explorer's Anchorage : 25 FEB 3305

25 Feb 2019Raikkonen
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Late start this morning. Took a well deserved lie in and slept soundly for the first time in a long while.

Today's agenda is purely a ship maintenance schedule, having to make the best of a bad situation here at the Anchorage. There are no repair facilities so we are managing the vessel ourselves and repairing it with our own tools on board. I'm unaware of any regulations that prohibit the use of an Auto Field-Maintenance Unit inside the hangar. So here I'll be managing the module panel while the crew are down below. Fortunately, we still have some Fujin tea left.

I've actually missed being docked at a port - the sights, smells, watching other vessels pass overhead and through the slot. We all know they sneak looks at the INV Empress though - she is a chrome beauty. A real head turner. I hope we don't come across anything too difficult today. We won't find many parts out here I expect.

Well, let's get on with it...

General Notes:
1. The INV Empress is gathering attention from other pilots, mainly explorers. Brief tours are permitted but only when accompanied by myself - Raik
2. Station (Explorer's Anchorage) still doesn't have laundry and cabin cleaning services. We had to do our best ourselves.
3. Acquired more units of water and hydrogen fuel. Keep these within easy access in Bay 3.
4. Another visit to the Core shall commence this week; crew positions assigned, date and lunch time TBC.

Maintenance Notes:
1. Thrusters reading at 98% - external damage caused by dropping out of SC (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
2. Shield Generator at 88% - heat damaged (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
3. Frameshift Drive Booster was down to 82% (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
4. Both Beam Lasers were damaged to 89% - more heat damage and general wear and tear (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
5. All of the Shield Boosters were fried (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
6. Fuel Scoop down to 87% (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
7. Life Support was reading 96% (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
8. Double-checked the Power Distributor, and realigned all power to systems (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
9. The Cargo Hatch has taken a battering, pretty much a third of it was missing (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)

Crew Notes:
1. Queen Carlson on leave until next mission.
2. Fighter Bay is currently out of bounds (next 24 hours)

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︎5 Shiny!
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