Logbook entry

Stage 2 - Explorer's Anchorage : 28 Feb 3305

28 Feb 2019Raikkonen
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Good Morning from Explorer's Anchorage...

Great news today - the station is starting it's second phase of development and our cargo hold full of rares was well recieved. We're now on good terms with the factions here and are looking forward to partnering with them over the next couple of weeks. The mechanics did a great job on the INV Empress and she is restored to her former beauty since before embarking on the voyage, the cabin cleaning services are also greatly appreciated.

We've managed to link up to Universal Cartographics through the station now they have better signal strength, and we cashed in a week and a half's worth of exploration data. Everybody got their paycheck.

We are still on standby to receive any further medicorps missions or distress signals. Carlson is on the DSS between downtime and working in the fighter hangar bay. We had a message come in from CMDR Dontus Killerinus yesterday and brought 7 souls aboard the Anchorage. Henry White is the Search and Rescue Agent stationed at Explorer's Anchorage - and we signed them off to him. All casualties made a full recovery and the mission was a success.

General Notes:
1. Transferred 47 million worth of data to Universal Cartographics - new budget to be drafted later for repairs and upgrades
2. Station (Explorer's Anchorage) now has cleaning and repair services online - fully cleaned and repaired.
3. The new Search and Rescue Agent took in the 7 occupied escape pods we had on-board.
4. Still preparing for another visit to the Core - everything now on standby...

Maintenance Notes:
1. The outfitting new team here at Explorer's Anchorage did a great job repairing the INV Empress top to bottom.
2. Added 50 cargo transfer limpets to Bay 2, ahead of any hauling missions for Anchorage.
3. Frameshift Drive Booster was down to 82% (Repaired to 100% functionality and output)
4. Bar replenished with refreshments - from new stock at Explorer's and from secret stash of rares

Crew Notes:
1. Crew paid out of exploration data profits.
2. Fighter Bay is reopen and the GU97's are ready for mission use.
3. Queen Carlson, fighter pilot, is back on duty.

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