Logbook entry

Low Temperature Diamonds : 28 Mar 3306

28 Mar 2020Raikkonen
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The next month's efforts will be turned towards mining Low Temperature Diamonds to finance the Fleet Carrier put on order.

General Notes:
1. Settled in Borann amongst the rings of Borann A 2 - little sign of other ship's frequencies.
2. The Fighter Ship has been launched daily on protective formations, and local scouting missions.
3. Reminder to run a full maintenance schedule tomorrow evening - 1800hrs.
4. Mining lasers functional and new refinery is also functional.

Imperial Documents:
1. [Attachment] - Order log
2. [Attachment] - Memo & Update of the Fleet Carrier Spec due 2nd April
3. [Attachment] - Mining Inventory and Refinery Log

Exploration Notes:
1. Data logged for return to civilization.
2. System wide scan complete.

Crew Notes:
1. Lt. Commander Chi Fukahara to run prospector limit duty for next week.
2. SLF fighter bay to undergo maintenance at next possible opportunity.
3. Carlson granted permission rotate shifts with Henry.
4. Training modules 13 - 15 completed.

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