Cmdr Vigotski
Fighter / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Anaconda VI-08A
Overall assets
Endurance Exploration
Yuri Grom

Logbook entry

Vigotski's Biography: the Truth

25 Nov 2024Vigotski
Technology, science and Fate’s Joke: Vigotski.

CMDR Lev Semionovich Vigotski born in 1896. In his early academic days studied art, pyschology and medicine. He formed the Troika with Luria and Leontiev. In his many research travels, he contracted tuberculosis; that meant a death sentence for him. In a race against the disease, he continued writing and speaking for people, from a hospital bed. He managed to develop one of the greatest approaches to psychology, mind, history and education. He died in 1934…or that’s what the official story says...

Friends, science and “Another Life”.

Luria, one of the “fathers of neurology”, wasnt ready to give up his friend's life. He tried, he really tried to cure the disease; his frustration was only equal to the grief of losing his friend, his mentor…and this made him refrain from the world.

In his laboratory he contacted another genius: Tesla. Luria knew that Tesla and Vigotski wrote each other several letters, so he inferred that Tesla could and wanted to help. He was right.
Luria was atonished: Tesla suggested that the disease was attacking specific cells from the body and the solution was to try to detect and freeze those cells. His logic was undeniable: with no cells to attack, the disease wont have a reason to exist…

Paradigm’s Anomaly

They had an unexpected succes: they developed the exact procedure to freeze human cells without killing it in the process; in other words, they managed to reduce cell’s metabolism to zero. If Luria was known for his spectacular knowledge about the human body, Tesla was known for decoding and understanding every single procedure. Thanks to this, Tesla managed to reverse successfully the cryo process.
Knowing that Vigotski, the “Mozart of Psychology”, could be the only one that could understand the complexity of the mind, they decided to test a new technology on him…saving their friend was a message to the future.

Limited by technology, politics and ethics, but not for their genius minds, Luria and Tesla experimented for the first time the process of instant cryogenics on a human body in the year 1934. In Luria’s Lab, in remote Siberia, they managed to apply the cryo process to the already dying Vigotski.
We will not disclose the exact procedure, but they succeed…Luria and Tesla never knew it.

Luria and Tesla disappeared few years later, and their research was confiscated by what we now know as “Pilot’s Federation”. Some sources claim that the same cryo-process was done to them; some, that they were abducted by Thargoids and other claims they were/are Guardians and returned to their planet.

Vigotski ¿the Pilot?

Vigotski was awoken by some CMDRs exploring an ancient laboratory on Earth. At first, he was shocked but his memory was intact and he was able to overcome the surprise. He narrated his life to the amazed CMDR’s, his disease, his friends, his family, everything…he described the cryo-sleep like a common sleep with “no time nor dreams”.
Moments later, everyone fall into a “pseudo comatose” status: his rescuers and Vigotski.
He was fully awakened, again, but now in a space station, in a ship; he realized that something was off and decided to follow that strange voice that told him: “Welcome CMDR, you are fully cured, now we can focus on lesson number 1 - how to fly a ship”...

Several years passed, now he knows how to fly and build a ship, the politics and psychology of the fragile power balance in the galaxy; but he wants to know more…
He is currently working, away from Pilot’s Federation’s eyes and other questionable groups, in “Thargoid’s Thinking & Language” and “Guardian’s Art Psychology”...
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