Logbook entry

The Crash

08 Jun 2017TameMoon
I woke up 24 hours after the crash... Our wing was ambushed by bloody Imps and i swear i was saw a Fed ship before i ordered the wing to split up... God i hope they're alright.

My right leg was crushed under some debris from my ship... damn it hurt it wasn't as bad as my eyes being plucked out but i got over that pretty quickly after all i helped a friend. When i went down i saw Johnson go down as well he was a good kid, crashed on the other side of the planet i tried to establish communication but they broke in the crash.

If i can't get word out within two more days then they will probably say i'm MIA... Damn i only have four days of food and water left. I just hope that most made it out alive especially Zo...

Dammit lights just went out. I will end the log here to conserve power. My only regret is i didn't tell them...

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