Logbook entry

Alone in the sun.

28 Oct 2016Mason Larkin
Mason would turn on the video recorder within his ship.

"Commander Mason checking in. Log entry seventy-six."

He'd take a deep and slow breath.

"Just exited hyperspeed in the Acihaut system. Bad news is, that i've landed too close to the sun and my system is basically fried. I've managed to reboot the ships system and now i'm just waiting for the numbers to pop up so I can calculate how long I have until the oxygen drops down to zero."

Light begins to flicker in the cockpit, and the system is slowly booting up. Numbers appear on the screen to his right.

"Fuck. I knew it, only 70% left. Good thing i've send a distress call to the nearest station. Hopefully they'll take notice and come pick me up. I'll be saved and pay the costs."

He'd lean back and cross both legs and arms. His ship managed to get away from the sun before the ship was totally done for. In front of him was the wide and great beyond.

"Man, as I look out this window I must say, it's astonishing. So many things to do, and the posibilities are endless."

He'd look at the oxygen supply once again.

"66%. I really hope someone shows up, or else i'm done for. Which makes me wonder. I didn't make a wrong calculation when I entered hyperspeed, someone must've rigged it. When and if I find the one who did this, i'll do what any other sane man would've done. Deal with him."

He'd wiggle his flight control on the right back and forth.

"What I wouldn't give to be back in the Nanoman system. Was docking at the Hahn Gateway earlier, and the girls there are just something out of a movie. There was this one girl with long white hair, she gave me the looks you know, like she wanted to get to know me or something. But I was too busy to deal with her, sadly. And I so fucking regret it right now. Here I am, all alone in the bloody universe with no blonde woman to cheer me on. Damn, life is unfair."

He'd look at the oxygen supply.

"59%. Oh well. I'd best shut up and save the oxygen."

Before turning off the recorder he'd end it with: "Commander Mason out. And to all you pretty girls out there. I'll be back."
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