Cmdr Cmdr Jumpster
Diplomat / Aisling guardian
Registered ship name
Bwenapok Guard
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper BO-IC1
Overall assets
Bwenapok's Guardian
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Bwenapok Diplomatic outlook

17 Dec 2023Cmdr Jumpster
The Bwenapok organization is a diplomatic corporation that intends to work alongside factions in this sector to ensure prosperity and safety of the immediate surrounding communities. My presence in this sector is merely to create economic power and wellbeing for all factions in the sector PMF and native factions. Expansion will occur only in the most diplomatic ways possible amongst all factions in the sector. If expansion were to occur towards PMF occupied air space, I will personally be reaching out to ensure that everything happens as smooth as possible for both sides including but not limited to minor factions and Starport control in the system. I am not out to create a vast empire of drudgery and fear amongst my comrades in the area. this is in no way a takeover of the outlying systems and disruption to life in the area. Please reach out to me as I am very responsive and aim to create a diplomatic relationship with all PMFS in the area. Expansion is a must to ensure survival of my faction, but also not to corrupt and destabilize other parts of the neighborhood. We all have our origin, and I am no different, but what makes me different is total DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS with all of my fellow factions in the area. Expansion is a must for all of us as native factions or PMFS let's not start huge wars and create enemies.
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