Logbook entry

Out in the Dark

09 Dec 2023TigerAce121
This has been an amazing trip, full of amazing sights and discoveries. Even though I've really only tread where others have been, what started as a mission to find more about the Guardians and leaving the Bubble became a joyride through the stars. Everyday, when I open up the map to jump, it's not to the next target, but to the next most interesting thing I've yet to see. My first supergiants, neutron stars, new biologic life forms, and more.

The Guardian sites have left me with a sense of wonder, but also trepidation. If it's true, and the Thargoids wiped out or at least forced them, a highly advanced race, to fade into the black, what chance could we have? Every time we've made gains in this war, the bugs have responded with swift retribution. I only hope that, soon, we'll really get them on the backfoot. Maybe I'll start seeing the effects of Guardian equipment when I get back.

I heard some trouble via the few fleet carriers I've come across out here. Thargoids invading for the first time in years, starports under assault, and more. Seems like they took the virtual subjugation of Taranis personally. I know if I was able to, I'd be refitting the Ranger to get in and out of those systems, saving as many souls as I could. Alas, I'm well over 800ly away from colonized space right now, and in no shape to help.

My job, then, is to keep looking out here. Somewhere out here, in the unknown, there has to be answers, be it to our victory in war, Raxxla, or otherwise.
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