Logbook entry


16 Dec 2023TigerAce121
It's been a little more than a week back in the Bubble, making good on my gains out there in the dark. The Ranger has been upgraded as far as I can right now, with the majority of the Guardian tech I found going towards a new drive booster for her. I've reached out and made good relations with the legendary Ram Tah, who was more than willing to assist me with my upgrades, due in no small part to the wealth of Guardian relics I brought him. I've even made good money so far; the biologic and mapping data I sold netted me well over 160 million credits, and I've made even more from the Federation as part of my salary, and yet more from moving some goods around the region.

However, sitting here in my ship, listening to the drone of the intercom as ships dock or depart, or sitting in the local bar of the day's starport, I feel wont to return to the uncharted depths of the galaxy. The journey, the unknown of what I'll see in a new system, and all the dark truly encompasses, calls back to me. While I enjoy a good fight against the Thargoids, or am more than happy to help deliver goods to a colony in need, my mind and heart both agree that exploring our galaxy is where I belong. I call nowhere home other than my ship, no family to return to at day's end. The stars are my life, and while many people who call a planet or starport home choose to believe in the existence of what myself and other explorers find, as an ancient and renown scientist once said, “I don't want to believe. I want to know.”
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