Logbook entry

24 Mar

24 Mar 2017IndigoWyrd
It's come to my attention that I've not kept a log since I began flying. I have to admit, I haven't really seen a point to it, but it has been suggested that putting one's thoughts and memory into a record can often help when facing a difficult situation. Normally I am simply kept occupied by the ordinary and rather routine occupation of operating a large freighter. Most recently, however, I've taken my leave of the routine. After returning from a rather lengthy trip out to some black hole with the famous explorer, Dorian Dorsey and his entourage amusing themselves aboard my Beluga for nearly two weeks, I found it somewhat difficult to fall back into the routine of freight hauling, and I'd certainly not gained an appetite for any further ventures out into the void.

Conflicts continue to erupt throughout civilized space, if civilized is really what it can be called, and I'm finding myself even less motivated to sell my skills as a combat pilot than ever. The sheer vastness of space makes the very concept of fighting over control of some tiny speck of it seem all the more idiotic to me. And while I do still sympathize with those suffering from outbreaks of disease, or fending off famine for whatever reason, I can't help but feel even more of a disconnect with the human condition.

And so, I have spent my time since my return sifting through the ruins of another civilization, one we have come to call The Guardians. I've been able to discern a great deal about these people, and in many ways, they remind me a great deal of humanity, and I cannot help but wonder what some future race will think when they pick through the ruins we leave behind. What will we leave to speak for who we were?

I will say, unashamedly, that I was initially drawn to this purely because the work paid well. But the more information I was able to discern, the more interesting I found the information to be, and the more it made me think, not only of these long-dead people, but also of humanity. My discoveries have not changed my general options - on the whole, we take ourselves far too seriously when we shouldn't, and disregard far more serious matters until they blow up in our faces.

For the time being, I will continue my research into these long-dead people, and continue to profit from my efforts. The rest will have to sort itself out, as I am not here to save humanity from itself.
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