Logbook entry

18 Jul

19 Jul 2017IndigoWyrd
I still don't keep regular logs, and I'm fine with that. I'm back in "civilized" space again, buying and tinkering with ships, and helping out various factions accomplish various things, for credits of course. I did recently pay a visit to one of the recently discovered alien planetary installations. Looks like a giant barnacle to me. Found the Unknown Artifact to be some sort of "key" that causes the doors of these things to open. Not much inside of them really, just a circular hallway with a couple small rooms and large central area with some manner of device in it. Give it the things it wants, it displays something like a galaxy map, but I can't discern any meaning to it. Might be a navigational system or archive of some sort.

But I rather expect this from aliens - not being human and all, what makes sense to them is reasonable to assume will not make sense to us. These places are also inhabited by some kind of bio-mechanical life form called Scavengers. They seem like some sort of flying, well, alien thing, maybe their version of rats or something. Looks to me like they might be eating these facilities or whatever they are. And whatever they are must not really be of any consequence to whichever race is responsible for them, as they're otherwise empty and unguarded.

They certainly resemble the alien ships people have reported seeing, though I've still not seen one myself. Lots of people are concerned - talk is these are Thargoids, and history records humanity's last encounter with them didn't go so well, so it's understandable if people are concerned. I'm still inclined to give them a wide berth. People are trouble enough, I don't need any grief from something I know nothing about and lack a means to communicate with properly.

And as much as I eschew politics, I've fallen in with Li Yong Rui. Of course, my affiliation has given me access to their Pack Hound Missile launchers, and I've acquired a nice stock pile of them. Pretty effective things I must say. I may yet start making my rounds to the other powers for the equipment, as there are still a few things that seem like they might be useful to have. Though I can say it hasn't been bad working with Li's Sirius Corp group. They're rather neutral and would just as soon sell you things, which works for me. They're also not particularly demanding, which is nice, as I don't need my time taken up by political machinations.

I am considering another go at the Guardian Ruins, as I've heard the final data entry has been uncovered, and I can always use more credits. I've also stumbled on some rather curious transmissions, but haven't been able to follow up on them much - they don't seem to lead anywhere, at least not yet.

Space is vast, time is limitless. Who knows what is yet to come?
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