Logbook entry

The Ends Justify the Means

08 Mar 2024Im.Phoenix
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"So why do you fight? You went from a highly respected trader to a unknown Ax pilot overnight. Why? Why risk your life? Why are you contributing to the genocide?"
Luna reaches to turn off her transponder but hesitates.
"Why do I fight? I fight to protect those I care about. I fight for those forced out of their homes by those bugs. I fight them to avenge the lives lost since we found them."
Ranger pauses and does not respond.
"You know you sound crazy, right? Drop the self-righteous act and be honest with me. Why do you actually fight? I know you're a competent combat pilot. Hell, you jumped halfway across the bubble to escort me when I was transferring high value cargo."
Luna reaches for her controls, beginning to charge her chieftain's FSD.
"You know you cant run forever. Sooner or later you'll have to face the truth"
Luna disables her transponder and jumps away from one of her few friends left.
"I have to protect others. I have to destroy them. I need to."
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"Welcome to the Rescue Ship Hunter Commander. Please proceed to dock at pad 07"
Luna grins with anticipation. She read the galnet article. She knew she had to help with the destruction of the titans.
"I would like to purchase a nanite torpedo launcher. I think you know why."
The shipmaster had a grim look on his face. One of pity mixed with grief.
"Very well commander. We wish you luck on this endeavor."
Mar 01 3311
"Its dead... or more so dying. it's final heart was destroyed and now... now it's screaming. I know they're alive. I know they're an alien race. We've known this for years. I thought I'd be happy."
Luna's face is occasionally lit by the explosions emanating from the titan and the lightning arcing through the maelstrom.
"I thought I'd feel better. Happy... or at least relieved. but hearing it scream... seeing the fleeing thargoids..."
Luna's eyes are red and tears are streaming down her face.
"It reminds me of sol... of home. When the terrorists attacked my home. is-Is this really worth it?"
A shadow is cast into the cockpit, cloaking everything but the instruments in darkness.
"Do the ends justify the means?"
End of log
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