Logbook entry

The Carelessness of Man

20 Mar 2024Im.Phoenix
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Luna assisted Ranger in retrieving stranded Bio-Pods in an attempt to salvage what life remained around the remains of Taranis. She kept her hailing channel open, in case her friend decided to talk to her again. As she sat in near silence, the echos of the titan's screams haunted Luna's mind. She still hadn't found the answers she was hoping to find in the wreckage. Instead she had found remnants of Thargoid technology. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the real reason why AGEIS wanted the titans destroyed. Before she could think about it any more, she was interrupted.

"I'm jumping out Luna. Ill see you whenever you want to meet again."
"Oh, Alright Ranger. Be safe yeah?"
"You know me, Ill do my best."

As they jumped away, Luna was once again left with her thoughts. As she probed the wreckage, her mind wandered once more. Why do we study them? Is it to improve our weapons... or is it to steal their tech? Are we going to try to make our own form of Bio-mechanical craft? Have we attempted to make a Human-Thargoid Hybrid? Luna shook her head in an attempt to clear her head. There was something about the Titans that made her question humanity's decisions to attack the Thargoids. She began to charge her FSD in an attempt to run from these troubling thoughts.

The ship AI rang out across the ship
"Warning. Hyperspace Conduit Failing. Warning."

Luna rushed to get back into her seat before the FSD failed. She knew that a Thargoid was hyperdicting her and that she was most likely going to be attacked. She strapped herself into her seat just seconds before being thrown back into sublight space. As Luna fought with her ship's controls, an Interceptor flew around to face her cockpit. Luna readied her weapons, prepared to defend herself should the interceptor attack, yet the attack never came. She sat in front of the vessel, waiting for it to do something, yet it sat patiently waiting for her to make the first move.

"Lume, What is it doing?"
"It seems to be observing you. I am unable to discern if it is hostile or not."

Luna's communicator lit up as strings of letters streamed across her HUD. Was it attempting to communicate? She opened a hailing channel in another vain attempt to communicate with the aliens. She retracted her weapons, and the interceptor responded by flashing yellow, red, and blue. Luna was fascinated by the sudden light-show but as quickly as it began, it ended. The interceptor turned away and jumped back into witch space. She sat there, stunned and unable to process what had just occurred.

"Luna. I have made an attempt to understand what happened, and I believe that the Thargoid vessel sent you coordinates to what appears to be empty space."
"Archive it. I've got other things to deal with right now"

Luna ignored her AI and plotted a route back to her carrier. She needed to resupply and collect her thoughts. She needed to decompress and analyze the data that she had collected over the past few days. Not to mention, she also needed to investigate those coordinates... if her FSD would even register that as a location to jump to. All she knew, is that no one could know about it. She didn't trust her own species to be responsible with whatever information resided there. Humanity has proven time and time again that they prioritize destruction no matter how careless it may be.
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