Logbook entry

An Internal Conflict

10 Apr 2024Im.Phoenix
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Luna stared out into the black void that surrounded her carrier. Her PDA sat in front of her, brimming with collections of Thargoid research. She had deleted all mentions of the passive thargoid in her previous ship logs to avoid the prying eyes of AGEIS and the countless AX groups. She knew that any telemetry that involved Thargoids would automatically be archived and reviewed by them. It's to better their blood lust and further their unjust conquest. She was disgusted by the actions of her species. As she reviewed the data in front of her, she made a decision.

"Helm. Plot a course for the titan Oya. Get us as close as you can."
"Yes sir! Plotting a course now."

Luna leaned back in the command chair as a jump timer appeared. She made her choice, and she will follow through with it even if it means that she goes up against her own species. There's only one way to make them learn. If they only understand violence, then she must not only speak but sing in their language. Luna got up and walked to the hanger where her chieftain was. As she settled herself in the pilot's seat, she thought back to the attacks on Sol. She remembered the fear she felt for the lives of her fellow man. She chuckled at the though, seeing that she was planning a massacre herself. She ordered a complete refit of her chieftain which was swiftly completed. She had no need for her ax weapons anymore.

As her carrier completed its jump, Luna's stomach filled with butterflies. She came all this way. She can't just turn around now. She initiated launch protocol and prepared herself. Luna was familiar with the AX weaponry often employed in the maelstroms, and she knew that everyone there would be easy pickings. At least... until someone sent a call for help. There is no system authority, but she knows that there would be mercenaries waiting for her when she left the system. This will be her final stand. She was done watching the genocide and she would do anything to get it to stop, even for just a moment.

"Lume. Deactivate and go into hibernation. You don't deserve to watch this."
"Luna, are you sure? the COVAS protocol will be far inferior in combat."
"I'm positive. Deactivate."

Luna's personal AI shut down and the basic ship AI was reinstated. Luna was going to do this alone. As she approached the maelstrom, one more thought of doubt shot through her mind. Did she really want to become an enemy of her own species in the defense of a more advanced one? How will she be remembered? Probably as a crazed pilot driven mad by the void. It doesn't matter. She was here and She would not be leaving.
As Luna pierced the veil of the titan, she saw a large gathering of AX pilots in the asteroids around the titan, waiting for the heat core to be exposed. Her blood began to boil as she listened to the comms. She had shut down non-essential systems so that she couldn't be spotted by the Thargoids or the AX pilots in the area. They were all cracking jokes and making references to movies made so long ago that it's surprising that anyone would know them. As their designated bomber made attack runs on the heat vent, everyone sprung into motion, heading for the heat core. Luna followed closely and began a recording of her POV and cockpit so that she could be heard, even after her death.
Log Dated April 04, 3310
Beginning audio and video playback.
I know what I'm doing is wrong, at least in the eyes of the AX organizations and almost every superpower. I know what I am doing is "evil" but it must be done. You all only speak the language of violence and I will make sure you understand me.
Luna is shown deploying her hardpoints and setting up her ship for combat.
You all are so afraid of these creatures. These living beings that possess technology that rivals ours. Instead of trying to understand and learn from them, you want to eradicate them. I know this, because I thought the same. After Tarranis fell, something changed. I couldn't participate in the slaughter anymore. I couldn't just stand by and let it continue. So I've come to the decision that brought me here. Your precious AX pilots here are so vulnerable, not to what they perceive as a threat however. They're vulnerable to me. The Thargoids are not the apex predators here. I am. I will show you that we are just as much a danger to ourselves, if not more than the Thargoids. The blood spilled here will be swept under the rug. It will be buried. No one will know, except those who seek the truth. My black box recorder will be jettisoned when my ship is destroyed, but I have a second copy back on my carrier. They will broadcast all the data on it upon my death so that AGEIS will not be able to keep the skeleton in the closet like INRA did. The Thargoids dont want to attack us. They only do as a self defense measure and will not attack you when passing through their home sectors unless they deem you a threat. They attack you if you steal their tech or items, but give you ample time to give their belongings back before taking it from you by force. They do not want to eradicate us. They attack us, because we attacked them first. We've done unspeakable horrors to them. And they will return the favor in time.

This is Commander Luna "Phoenix" Nightshade, signing off as a traitor to my own species. Hopefully, we can learn from the mistakes of our past, before it devours us.
End of log.
Status of Commander Phoenix Unknown
Presumed KIA
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