Logbook entry

Exploration of HIP 49599

14 May 2024DK-Ardok
Late last night and perhaps very early this morning, after finishing up my trading business in the Mbutas System, I decided to jump on over to the HIP 49599 System. Before exploring, I decided that because I'm doing well fiscally, that I would finally finish outfitting my Type-9, in which I named after a prominent laborer from Earth's early 20th century. He was known for massive workers' strikes when the United States allowed oligarchies to influence government and benefit themselves by taking from their workers' wages. Unions and workers' parties were born from these workers' strikes and as a result, Labor Day was celebrated in commemoration for all those and Cesar Chavez did for the working people of their nation.

After tweaking my Anaconda a little and finalizing my Type-9, I hopped back into my Imperial Clipper, the Magellan, and began scanning all planets and moons within the HIP 49599 System. For a night of exploration, it was normal, mostly. Until I happened upon a Non-Human signal. I worried a little that it might be Thargoids and I may encounter Scouts or an Interceptor. Thankfully, it wasn't a violent encounter, as the signal I found was from an already expired extraterrestrial. Unfortunately, for me, I somehow found myself launched 700 meters from the site and barely survived with 25% of my Scorpion's hull.

I already know that there were others before me in the exploration of this system, but to just get out there and see for myself was something I've been looking forward to. I also see some potential in the HIP 49599 system, as unfortunately, as someone currently aligned with them, the Empire controls this system, under Aisling Duval. It's only a matter of time, I put in time with the Federation, as I've always wanted to visit the Sol System.

While I do enjoy the money I make doing trade, I feel more at home as an explorer. Hopefully, I will find more interesting sites, as I venture out into the Milky Way.

Fly safely, pilots,
CMDR DK-Ardok out.
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