Logbook entry

Moving on from the Empire

14 Jun 2024DK-Ardok
I realize how odd this may sound to many. Allegiance to any power seems rather trivial to me, especially as one who fights Thargoids and their titans, occasionally. The one thing I grew sick and tired of was "tradition". By tradition, this usually meant slavery and it appears that slavery is tolerated in parts of the Bubble in the 34th century. That's sickening and sad. I know many would wonder why I bothered with joining the Empire's Navy or Pledged Allegiance to the Emperor herself; Aryssa Lavigny-Duval. For specific items and ships.

Overtime, I have amassed a collection of ships I've wanted. Also got my hands on some Imperial Hammers. Those are simply my reasons for joining the superpower that condones slavery. The Emperor being in the top three for those in power is another reason I sided with her. A 30% increase in bonds and bounties is nice, especially with Thargoid hunting. I've always known, however, my time with the Empire would ultimately be limited. I got the Imperial Eagle, the Imperial Courier, Imperial Clipper and the Imperial Cutter. As far as I'm concerned, I'm done with the empire, when it comes to allegiances. If I ever side with anyone in the Empire, it's solely to get a particular piece of equipment for my ships.

Call me an opportunist, a hypocrite; whatever. It all goes to my style of piloting whether that's to fight and hunt down pirates or to fight Thargoids. Doesn't mean I won't do trade with the Empire, but I do like to operate on my own terms. I feel liberated from the constraints of having to rely on a power for anything, long-term. I'll continue do what I feel comfortable with. Trading, wandering and exploring with a touch of combat here and there. Wherever I lay my head is home, as the saying used to go.

Commander DK-Ardok out.
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