Cmdr DK-Ardok
Explorer / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper OZ-I03
Overall assets
Brutal Deluxe
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Early Indra Bombing

29 Jun 2024DK-Ardok
I suppose bombing a titan before it became vulnerable was inevitable for me. Had to be sure if my last Titan, Hadad was a fluke or my improvement as a pilot was legit. It appears I've grown. The adrenaline rush is no longer because fear of failure, but because of how exhilarating it is to face off against a Thargoid capital ship. Of course, my first entrance to the system in which Indra is located ended in failure, as two interceptor-type ships destroyed my Krait Mk II. Attempt number two, however, proved fruitful. With the slight advancement of my engineering on my ship, which is not even close to done, I've been able to avoid detection of most scouts and interceptors. Throughout my bombing runs, I sustained minimal damage, mostly.

While Indra is nowhere near vulnerable as of yet, this was a great opportunity to test my mettle, as I preserver on my endeavor to improve. On my runs with Commander Icepaw, I actually ran out of ammo and had to quit. Managed to accumulate 2.91 million in bonds. At this stage, I suppose one could call our bombing run a resounding success. In this success I also witnessed a fully engineered AX Imperial Clipper; a magnificent ship. What it lacks in firepower it more than makes up for in speed. It evades any detection and maintains a pretty low temperature, as to avoid detection from Thargoids. Commander Icepaw saw me avoiding a full spread of Caustic Missiles, maybe taking one or two per volley. If my comrades within my squadron need me or want another pilot for Titan diving, I'm up for it. It isn't the most lucrative venture. However, it does help with learning how to pilot. I look forward to forming another wing whether it be Indra while vulnerable or future Titans.

At first, I wasn't so sure about bombing titans, but now I know I'm having fun.

Commander DK-Ardok out.
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