Cmdr DK-Ardok
Explorer / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper OZ-I03
Overall assets
Brutal Deluxe
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Nidhogg's Migration [Towards Hawking's Gap] Log 01

01 Sep 2024DK-Ardok
It has taken me some time, but here we are. I'm back to exploring. This is the main reason I became a pilot in the first place. Granted I do a lot of pirate hunting and a hell of a lot more trading.

Because my team and I are using the Nidhogg, my carrier, I guess we can call me the captain of the expedition. My team includes Commanders Icepaw and Akiraheaven. Icepaw appears to specialize more towards mining and Akiraheaven is relatively green when it comes to the grander scheme of our galaxy, which is fine. He came into a lot of money and knows enough basics to adjust and that's a good thing. After doing some trading, my team and I prepared for our jumps outside the bubble to head towards a sector of the galaxy known as "Hawking's Gap". What will we find? We don't know. I expect to find bacterial lifeforms, plant life and other fungal lifeforms. The beauty of this exploratory trip is that my team will take in a view of many worlds and see the wonders of other systems outside the bubble.

Our first waypoint system was Coalsack Sector IR-W d1-92.

This is roughly 500 light-years away from the HIP 49599 system so It's not surprising that this system has been visited by others. However, I did get first footfall from the first planet here and four moons within the system. Other than those achievements, the system was a relatively dead system, as there were no lifeforms to report to my team and they did not find any, either.

Our second waypoint was Praea Euq AE-T d3-65.

The first obvious thing we saw when the Nidhogg stopped her jump was the neutron star. This system only had the star and 4 other planetary bodies. However, on one of the planetary bodies was three lifeforms. A bacterial lifeform, an interesting species of mushrooms called Fonticulua Campestris Sage and a beautiful blue tree-like plant called Electricae Pluma - Blue. The bacteria, obviously was the hardest of the lifeforms to find.

Our third waypoint is Pro Eurl CV-S b31-0:

This one is particularly a surprise to me, as we're still not the first to visit this system. Because I'm not particularly fond of flying blind, I used my FSS scanner to manually scan the system. To my surprise, the stars were the only thing discovered within this system. The planetary bodies were completely ignored and I am reporting the discoveries of the planetary bodies of this system. I plan on doing deep scans and even footfalls for my team. We will coordinate soon if we encounter lifeforms within this system.

Pro Eurl FC-M d7-39 is a neighboring system I decided to investigate. Granted I'm not the first one to visit this system, I did find two moons with bacterial lifeforms I plan to get samples with my team when they're ready. I found two very interesting and beautiful gas planets within the system as well. I am reporting two first footfalls from this system.

It feels good to finally do what I've always wanted to do; to venture out into the stars and explore. I sincerely hope my team can appreciate this opportunity we've been given.

Commander DK-Ardok, out.
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