Cmdr DK-Ardok
Explorer / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper OZ-I03
Overall assets
Brutal Deluxe
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Nidhogg's Migration [Towards Hawking's Gap] Log 04

09 Sep 2024DK-Ardok
It's been a small bit since my last log entry. We remained at our 4th waypoint because I had other issues to attend that needed seeing through and we found a rather large system neighboring the carrier's system. Commander Akiraheaven decided to make a nearly 2,000 Lightyear trip back to the bubble to get his Deep System Scanner. Commander Icpaw and I tried to dissuade him from making such a long trip as it would be 105 jumps from our position. After voicing our concerns, I gave him permission to dismiss himself from our mission. Honestly, at this point, Commander Icepaw and I did not expect him to return, as we felt that a 2,000 lightyear trek would be taxing on one.

We proceeded to finish our exploration of the Pro Eurl FD-I c23-3 system. The more notable system, however, was a neighboring system labeled Pro Eurl BW-E d11-53. This system was practically teeming with life. Commander Icepaw and I worked together, diligently to tackle the scanning and gathering of biological samples. We found an interesting lifeform that had a red spiked ball protruding above the base of it. Concha Renibus - Red, as it's been described as. We found a mushroom type and a cactus species as well. Fungoidia Stabitis - Green proved to be an interesting find as well; a pillar of fungus, as it appeared. Green and vibrant against the brown background of soil and rock. Aleoida Coronamus - Green reminded me of a tatooed version of the Aguave plant from Earth, within the Sol System, where Humanity originated from. We also found a weird pod-like plant with a spherical base and a plant protruding from the top-center. Aleoida Arctus - Green, was another species we found within the system. With how busy I've been I must apologize for how vague this log may appear, as I did not get to properly keep record of all lifeforms found within the system.

Commander Icepaw and I did other exploration ventures before, during and after Commander Akiraheaven departed for the bubble.

The mission must go on, so I scheduled a jump to our fifth waypoint; Phylucs WL-Y c13.

Immediately upon arrival, we decided to do basic FSS and DSS scans of the system. After some basic cataloguing and data submission, Commander Icepaw discovered yet another system neighboring our waypoint, which might be perhaps the largest system I've ever partook in investigating, so far. In the middle of our trip to the neighboring system of the fifth waypoint, Commander Akiraheaven returns to us.

I shall report more, when we finish our exploration of this neighboring system.

Commander DK-Ardok out.
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