Cmdr DK-Ardok
Explorer / Wanderer
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Elite V
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Imperial Clipper OZ-I03
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Brutal Deluxe
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Nidhogg's Migration [Towards Hawking's Gap] Log 05

13 Sep 2024DK-Ardok
Expedition Captain's Log.

As I've reported, we found a rather large system and it took us some time to explore it. Of course, it was discovered by Commander Icepaw during the time Commander Akiraheaven left to the bubble for a DSS. The Phylucs OG-Y d63 is a binary system with 22 orbiting bodies. 11 orbit star A and 11 orbit star B. On top of the 22 orbiting bodies around the stars were their satelites. This system easily had a total of 52 orbiting bodies.

Moons of Phylucs OG-Y d63 A 7 had quite a bit of life:

A 7 D:
Tussock Serrati
Concha Labiata
Frutexa Acus
Bacterium Arasus
Tubus Compagibus

A 7 E:
Tussock Ignis
Concha Labiata
Frutexa Acus
Bacterium Arasus
Tubus Compagibus

A 7 F:
Tussock Caputus
Osseus Fractus
Frutexa Acus
Bacterium Aurasus
Cactoida Cortexum

A 7 F A (A 7 A's Submoon):
Concha Renibus
Recepta Deltahedronix
Tussock Caputus
Fungoida Stabitis
Osseus Fractus
Frutexa Acus
Bacterium Arasus
Cactoida Cortexum
Tubus Compagibus

A 7 G:
Tussock Serrati
Frutexa Acus
Bacterium Arasus
Tubus Gompagibus

Phylucs OG-Y d63 B 9's moon had life as well.

B 9 A:
Bacterium Verrata
Fumerola Aquatis
Fonticulua Cempestris

Phylucs OG-Y d63 11's moons had life.

B 11 D:
Bacterium Bullaris

B 11 E:
Bacterium Bullaris
Fonticulua Digitos

B 11 F:
Bacterium Bullaris

B 11 G:
Bacterium Bullaris
Fonticulua Digitos

B 11 H:
Bacterium Bullaris
Fonticulua Digitos

While the moons of B 11 had similar life, we found Bacterium Bullaris extremely hard to find on Moons B 11 G and B 11 H, because of these specific moons being mostly dark. Commander Icepaw was nearly losing their mind looking for these damn things. Finding this particular bacteria was easier in the moons listed above these because light actually effected those moons. Finding Fonticulua Digitos was easy only using night vision. Everything else found within this system, by comparison was a walk in the park.

Commander Akiraheaven is recovering from his long trip from the bubble, currently and will likely be out of commission for roughly a week, leaving Commander Icepaw and I to do the bulk of future exploration. Thanks to Icepaw, Phylucs OG-Y d63 is definitely a hotspot for life.

I shall report more when we reach our sixth waypoint.

Commander DK-Ardok out.
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