Cmdr DK-Ardok
Explorer / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper OZ-I03
Overall assets
Brutal Deluxe
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Nidhogg's Migration [Towards Hawking's Gap] Log 06

15 Sep 2024DK-Ardok
Expedition Captain's Log;

It appears everyone has been tired out from their respective trips. In a bit of a haste, I forgot to complete the scans on the sixth waypoint, as we are getting much closer to leaving the Inner Orion Spur. Commander Akiraheaven has been relaxing since his long trip from The Bubble and may resume exploration with Commander Icepaw and myself. Commander Icepaw had been burnt out, because of a rather large system we explored; my last log went into it with a bit more detail.

Because of this, I decided to put in some more work myself. Exploration can be tiring and I do understand this. Commander Icepaw did, however, decide to do some mining in search for Tritium and other things we may decide to use or sell when we return to civilization.

I did some exploration of neighbor systems back at the sixth waypoint, however. Systems NGC 4463 Sector KJ-P d6-0, NGC 4463 Sector PP-N d7-0, and NGC 4463 Sector ZY-C c14-6 had been explored.

NGC 4463 Sector KJ-P d6-0:

This system was a trinary star system.

AB 2:
This planetary body only had bacterium.

C 2:
This planetary body featured five different lifeforms. Bacterium was the obvious one. Found a rather unique subspecies of Fungoida; Fungoida Setisis. While Lucius-Darcia was the first person to ever discover this species, I was the first to report this particular species in the system. This life form was the most difficult to look for and get diverse enough samples.

Osseus Spiralis - Indigo was another life form I encountered; A mushroom-like organism. First discovered by Treya. I found this life form rather difficult to locate as well. However, not nearly as difficult as the previously mentioned life form.

Stratum Tectonicas is definitely a strange life form, I've encountered here as well, one of the easier life forms to seek out along with the Bacterium Alcyoneum. Tussock Cultro, thankfully was not hard to obtain, but I had to make sure to be aware, as it appeared to blend in with the background.

C 5:

Planetary body C 5 was perhaps the easiest to get the life forms from. This featured a subspecies of Fonticulua Campestris and some Bacterium Vesicula.

NGC 4463 Sector PP-N d7-0:

This particular system was also a trinary star system. It featured a blue-white star and two brown dwarfs. One Class T and one Class Y. The Class T brown dwarf had a set of rings on it. A gas giant with rings revolved around the Class T Brown Dwarf, which orbited the white-blue star. To be fair, so did the other brown dwarf.

1 D B:

This moon that revolved around Gas Giant 1 D, featured six life forms. Bacterium Tela, Fungoida Stabitis, Cactoida Vermis, and Clypeus Lacrimam were the easiest lifeforms to locate. Concha Renibus was relatively difficult to find, but not as elusive to find as Osseus Discus. This particular life form blended in with the background if you were facing it sideways. It was a giant disk that was hard to miss if you saw the entire width of the life form. It was easy to miss if you were looking at it from the side, however.

NGC 4463 Sector ZY-C c14-6:

This system was a binary star system; as if featured a Class G white-yellow star and a Class K yellow-orange star. The first star had five planets orbiting it, two of which had moons.

A 1:

After a cluster of asteroids, A 1, the first planet orbiting the first star "A", had a species of Bacterium Tela.

A 5:

Found another species of Bacterium Cerberus, which I find to be an interesting name for it.

Star B only had a gas giant orbiting it. It was a beautiful shade of a vibrant blue.

After checking out these three neighboring systems, I scheduled the Nidhogg to jump to our seventh waypoint. The system we landed in is the NGC 4463 Sector GI-I d10-14 system. This is a trinary star system, featuring a Class F white star, Class K yellow-orange star, and a Class M red star. That's all there is to report at this waypoint system. I will report more when we explore some neighboring systems. Be advised we may decide to jump to our next waypoint.

Commander DK-Ardok out.
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