Cmdr Kyla Emmerich
Smuggler / Freelancer
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Cobra Mk III EM-04C
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Logbook entry

Going Places

01 Nov 2016Kyla Emmerich

My Dad always told me that I was never going to go places. My outright refusal to study accounting as he had hoped I would left a sour taste in his mouth, especially after he found out I had actually signed up for the Pilots Federation academy.

But he’s wrong. I’ve been places. Many places in fact. Okay, but who cares about him? He buggered off with some bint years ago anyway and I haven’t heard from him since, so fuck him. This is about me.

I will be going places. Places 23 kylies away from home. I don’t know what it is really, but I just want to get away for a while, away from people, away from drama. I just want… a break I guess?

Now before you say “oh, another person who is just going to hop in an Asp Explorer and run off to Sagittarius A*,” let’s be clear here, I don’t own an Asp X. I hate the Asp X. No, I’ll be taking Moon Shot. She’s my baby, and I love her dearly. I won’t be going to Sag A* either. I’ll actually be heading toward Colonia. Why? Do I need a reason? Like I said, I just want a break and Jaques will at least cut the amount of time being in isolation in half. I sure as hell hope they have a decent bar out there, though.

So yeah, just like that. I’m packing up and going on a wee trip. I’ve got enough food and ration bars to feed a whole city, and let me tell you, the yellow ration bars are the best. I should have enough entertainment and reading material to last the trip too, as long as I am careful not to binge all the holo-shows in one sitting. That should drive away any space madness that you often hear about distant explorers getting.

I’ve kissed my mum goodbye and told Jared, my brother to be good at school and study hard. He’s growing up so fast. I’m going to miss him, and Mum. I mean, I don’t see them too often, but I know I can visit them pretty much whenever I want while I’m in the Bubble doing my deeds under the noses of authorities. But out there, I’ll be several kylies away from them. It’s going to be hard, but I’m a tough girl.

Now I’m sitting down aboard my ship in some starport on my home planet, double checking to make sure that I absolutely have everything I need. My media player is pretty much brand new, I have reading material, food, supplies. Yep, I think I’m good to go. Alright! Time for lift off! See you later, Aymifa. I love you Mum, and you too Jared.
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