Cmdr Kyla Emmerich
Smuggler / Freelancer
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Cobra Mk III EM-04C
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Logbook entry

Something a Little Gnarly

02 Nov 2016Kyla Emmerich
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I am almost two-and-a-half kylies from home. Holy crap! This is the furthest from the Bubble I have ever been- though to be fair, that record started once I hit 40 light years. Let me just say it feels great to get away. It is so quiet and drama free out here and so far I have seen some pretty stuff, as well as something a little more gnarly.

I came across a derelict Asp X in a gas giant ring about a kylie out which looked like it took a pretty hard hit against a rock or something. What’s the chances of running into someone that far out? I thought it’d be pretty slim, but there I was. I thought I’d take a look to see if anyone was alive, they weren’t. There were two inhabitants, and judging by how they looked under their suits, they had been dead for a while, so I thought I’d poke around a little and see if they had anything I could use. There was some preserved food supplies which I suppose would probably come in handy, as well as a couple of comic books which kinda looked interesting and were somehow still in a readable condition. Sweet! More readables!

I know there’s some ethical what-cha-ma-call-its about taking stuff from a derelict vessel, but they weren’t going to use any of it, so may as well pass them on to someone who will, right? I did perhaps feel kinda bad for those people though, dying this far away from anything knowing that there’s almost zero chance of rescue.

Oh yeah, I took their datacore too. I figured someone back home might miss them, so I’d do the good deed and see if I can track down their relatives. Let’s see what’s on here.

This is the log of J.P Harvey of the Magellan Spirit. Yeah, so we’re in a bit of a shit situation. Janey managed to pass out at the controls as we were flying through this ring. We slammed right into a rock at full thrust which shattered the canopy and pretty much sucked out all our air, as well as mangling the drives and FSD. So basically, what I’m trying to say is that we are fucked. I put up a distress beacon but who the hell is going to find me out here? All I have left is the oxygen in my suit, and Janey is dead. She didn’t survive the impact. I told her we should have packed a shield generator but she insisted it wasn’t worth the hassle.

Anyway. To whoever finds this, if anyone does, fuck you. Fuck you for not finding me sooner…
Okay, I’m sorry, that’s too harsh. I’m just… This sucks. I won’t see my daughter grow up, and it is not a nice feeling knowing that it is highly unlikely that anyone will ever stumble across this wreck. So, to whoever is listening, take this datacore to Biggs Colony in Altair, look for my ex-wife, Ashley and give this to her. Don’t panic, we ended amicably so she won’t be a problem, but my daughter needs to know what happened.

***End of Log***

Well… That’s… Quite sad actually. I guess I don’t have much of a choice but to visit Altair when I get back then. That’s cool.

Now I’m parked up on some icy moon. It’s kinda pretty actually. There’s some pretty deep canyons all around me which are a really weird blue colour, kinda like those blueberry ice pop things I used to love as a kid. I was going to blaze out on the SRV and have a look around, but there really isn’t that much here, just ice, canyons and rocks. Besides, I was starting to feel a bit antsy so I figured I’d take a walk instead and stretch my legs.

I found a space rock. There were lots actually, but I took one. I might give that to Jared- he’d love that. He’s never left Valhalla in his life so that’ll make a nice little birthday gift or something. I swear I am the coolest big sister ever. What about mum, though? I wonder if Jaques has a gift shop? She loves cheesy trinkets, so I bet she’d love something from that far away.

Alright, it’s time for me to continue. I'm just rambling now and this ship isn’t going to fly itself.
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