Cmdr Kyla Emmerich
Smuggler / Freelancer
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Cobra Mk III EM-04C
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Logbook entry

A Minor Inconvenience

02 Nov 2016Kyla Emmerich
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Over three kylies out now and things are going smoothly. Okay, not entirely. My media player stopped working a couple of jumps ago. It just… Sputtered, then started smoking. So yeah, now I can’t watch any of the holovids that were helping to keep me sane. It’s a bit problematic and… No, no, it’s fine. It’s all fine. I’ve still got reading material… A few books, those comics I found on the wrecked Asp X. Oh! I even have the ship’s manual! I haven’t read that yet. That should keep me going… Right?

Of course they will, and I still have to fly the ship.

Okay, relax Kyla. Seriously, it’s fine! Although, I'm not going to hear another human voice for a long time, am I? Like… A very long time. It’s not too late to turn back...

No! I came all this way to get away from people for a while anyway.

...but. I am starting to get a little lonely.

Oh well, I’m about to touch down on a moon to rest for a bit. Maybe I’ll land inside a nice crater and go for another walk. Really, it’s just cabin fever. Every spacer gets it.


Okay, I went for a walk outside on this moon. I’m feeling a bit more calm now, and a bit tired actually. What a nice view though. The big, blue gas giant was a monster, and that crater was way more massive than it looked as I was approaching. I grabbed another space rock too, for Jared. I’m picking up one for each time I land somewhere and etching the distance from Aymifa onto them. I think I have about nine now.

I miss my little bro. I miss my mum. I miss- no! Stop it Kyla! Focus on the journey ahead! Alright, time to hit the bunk for a few hours.
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