Cmdr Kyla Emmerich
Smuggler / Freelancer
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Cobra Mk III EM-04C
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Logbook entry

Mild Space Madness

04 Nov 2016Kyla Emmerich
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Five-point-five kylies now. It’s been… I don’t even know how long its been! I’ve read pretty much everything I have, I know way more about the ship now than I ever thought was necessary, and apparently I also enjoy comic books. The only voice I’ve heard is the god damn ship’s computer.

Fuel scoop complete! Frameshift drive charging…

It’s driving me crazy. I’ve turned the voice off. I just can’t deal with the repetition, or the boredom during jumps, or the lack of any human interaction. I’ve caught myself having a conversation with my toaster. My toaster! I’m talking to a fucking inanimate object now! Apparently her name is Boomer. Apparently my toaster is a she, and I talked to her about my life back home, the smuggling, the excitement, the thrill that came with it, basically everything that being all the way out here is lacking.

I’m so tired, but I can’t sleep for more than two hour periods. I can barely sit still. I thought I might take out the SRV on a planet to find something interesting.

I found nothing interesting. There was nothing interesting. Of course there wasn’t! I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere, lightyears away from any form of civilization! I don’t even know if I am going the right way anymore! Why am I even doing this still?!

Wait… What was that? I could have sworn I heard… Someone talking?

No… It was nothing.

Jesus, I’m hearing things now too.

Boomer? I want to go home. This was a stupid idea. I should have turned back light years ago, when my goddamn media player broke.

No, Boomer, I’m not okay. Do I fucking look okay?!

I’m… I’m sorry. I’m just… I don’t know what to do. I’m… should I turn back?

I can’t calm down!

Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Deep breaths. Okay.

What? What are you talking about? Lagoon Nebula? But we went straight past that! No, you didn’t tell me about the outpost there!

No, Boomer, you didn’t! I’d remember something like that. Alright, alright, I’ll check the map.

Wait… Really? Boomer! You were right, and it’s only one thousand light years away! How the hell did I not see this?!

Alright! I know what I am doing! I am heading for Amundsen Terminal!

I just hope… I just hope I won’t go completely crazy by then.
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