Cmdr Kyla Emmerich
Smuggler / Freelancer
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Cobra Mk III EM-04C
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Logbook entry

Pegasi Shanghai - Chapter 4: Lunar Road Trip

23 Mar 2017Kyla Emmerich
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For a short while I felt a small tinge of guilt leaving Ronium to die slowly and alone aboard the crashed Anaconda. But that guilt did not last, however, when I reminded myself about what kind of a scumbag he is. But I do feel a genuine remorse for those in the stasis pods; doomed to remain until some sod better equipped than I stumbles upon the wreckage. Hopefully by that time some would still be alive, and hopefully that sod won’t be some greedy scoundrel who would exploit them for a payday.

Either way, it’s out of my hands. I’m driving a Scarab that I stole from the wreck on a moon orbiting a gas giant in the middle of who-knows-where. It’s been an hour now, and the nearest settlement is still 1300 kilometers away from my position. I have no way of knowing if this settlement is some out-of-the-way duster or a base with actual landing pads. More importantly, I don’t even know who inhabits the place. Knowing my luck, it’ll be filled with roughneck pirates and I’ll be back in a stasis pod again in no time. Still - it’s either risk that, or sit back and die alone with Ronium. I’d rather run the risk of recapture.

Besides, perhaps I could charm some schmuck into giving me a ride back to my ship.

Get your mind out of the gutter. I know what you are thinking. I said charm not fuck. A pretty face works wonders for getting favours, but if they try to lay their hands on me… Well, I do have a gun now.

So far the terrain has been bumpy but I’ve been able to maintain a reasonable speed. Still, even at the pace I’ve managed to keep up, it’ll be many hours before I reach my destination. The Scarabs are fast on the ground, but only as fast as a car on a city highway, and that’s only if the terrain is smooth. Fortunately for me, I packed a couple of rations from the ship. They taste awful, but they’ll keep my hunger at bay.

Several hours pass, I’m only halfway there and I am getting tired, yet restless. I bring the Scarab to a stop by the foot of a mountain and I step outside of the vehicle to stretch my legs. They are stiff like bricks and it’s an effort to stay standing despite the low gravity of the moon. The peak of the mountain towers above me like a behemoth, obscuring the star and shrouding the area in pitch black darkness. The SRV is the only source of light.

As I stare up at the sky, my mind becomes consumed with fear of defeat, of not wanting to die. These tiny moons seem a lot bigger when you don’t have access to a starship capable of FTL travel. A ship could orbit it several times in mere minutes, yet here I am, traversing not even half of it in many hours. I kick a rock in frustration, and watch it ricochet off the metal frame of the SRV and over a ridge.

How the fuck do I let myself get into these situations? Will this stupid buggy even have enough juice to get me to the base?

I lean against the front wheel of the vehicle and slump slowly to the ground. My lips curve into a slight smirk.

I still have a better chance than Ronium.

With that thought, I climb back into the SRV and remove the Remlok helmet once the cabin is pressurized again. I attempt to get some sleep, eventually managing to drift off after struggling to get even slightly comfortable.

My eyes open, and I am sitting in the bath at my mother’s home. I slowly sink down, letting the warm water engulf my hair, leaving my face only slightly above the surface. I smile, close my eyes and let my thoughts surrender to the serenity I haven’t felt in months. I take a deep breath, inhaling the misty air around me, relaxing me further.

The serene feeling is interrupted. I open my eyes and Ronium is staring right back at me. I leap into an upright position, pushing myself against the wall of the bathtub and covering myself. His smile is threatening and his gaze pierces like sharp needles through his pinhole pupils. He points a gun toward me.

“There’s no way out for you, Kyla. They’re all dead. Your mother, your brother, all the slaves, everyone you know, and now… It’s your turn.”

There’s a loud bang.

“FUCK!” I yell as my eyes fly open and I jerk back into the seat of the SRV. I wipe my sweaty forehead and my breathing is sharp and rapid.

“Thank the gods that was just a dream.”

I rub the sleep from my eyes and check the status console.

“Oh shit.”

Fuel is reading at 45% and I still have a hell of a long way to go. I scramble to the modules screen looking for systems I don’t need to have running.

I start with the shields - I won’t need those as long as I don’t drive like an alcoholic. Next I disable the turret, hoping I won’t need it. Then I power down a bunch of non-essential systems like the wave scanner.

Satisfied that the SRV is now consuming a lot less fuel, I continue on the arduous journey toward the base that is still hundreds of kilometers away. Who knows what awaits me there? Hopefully a strong drink and a shower. The inside of my flight suit is starting to feel gross. Of course I could also use a change of clothes, since I have nothing but myself and one remaining ration bar.

Time seems to drag on as my eyes alternate between watching where I am going and the fuel gauge, which is dropping faster than I would like despite half the modules of the SRV being shut off. I haven’t been this anxious about reaching my destination safely since the days I flew small deliveries in Beginner’s Luck. I’d take the sleeping bag behind the pilot’s seat of that Sidewinder than this any day.

The fuel tank is now down to 20%, and the distance to my destination is still in three digits. I’m getting more and more convinced by now that I won’t make it before fuel runs out. My feelings of defeat intensify, but I keep pushing on forward. It would be a shame to give up now after I’ve already travelled so far. Even if I die in this bloody thing, at least the person to find me would say something like “hey, the person in this thing was one determined sod.”

I guess I am okay with that.

Down to the last 5% of fuel, and I’m finally within two digits distance from the settlement. I slow down and in desperation, I switch off the life support forcing the Remlok helmet to close over my head. I hope that it’ll save enough fuel to get me there. I attempt to calm myself down. My nerves are raging like an inferno, but if I let myself breathe rapidly I will run out of oxygen, then I’ll be really screwed.

1%. The SRV is now essentially running off vapours, but I can see the lights of the settlement off in the distance giving me a small sliver of hope.

Come on, you piece of crap! Just a little further!

The throttle is jammed forward, but the SRV is now slowing to a stop.

Okay! I’m sorry! You’re not a piece of crap. Please just hold until we get there!

After countless hours of travel, the vehicle comes to a halt fifteen kilometers from the settlement.

“Fuck! Fuck you! Fuck you so much! This is bullshit!!” I yell, slamming my fist on the dashboard.

I slump as much as the seat will allow me to.

Alright, calm down Kyla… It’s really not that far, and throwing a tantrum will waste oxygen.

I step out of the now derelict Scarab and gaze toward the lights on the horizon, with small specks rising and falling as ships land and depart.

I could use the exercise anyway.
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