Cmdr Kyla Emmerich
Smuggler / Freelancer
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Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III EM-04C
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Logbook entry

So... what now?

20 May 2018Kyla Emmerich
Got any Toolfa? No? Well, whatever Gin you have will be fine.

Alright Kyla, prepare to be disappoin- oh, it's not half bad actually.

So... what am I doing? I can't go home, that'll put my family at risk. Probably too risky to go to Citi...

I can't stay at this backwater for too long. It's run down and horrible. I am quite enjoying the droning tunes at the bar though. I find them oddly calming. The décor is nice too. I particularly like the neon theme. It's got a nice vibe. This bar is probably the one thing this station got right.

Alright, I am getting distracted. I need to think. If I were a smuggler on the run from murderous slavers, what would I do?

I am a smuggler on the run from murderous slavers, and I have no bloody clue...

I don't have enough money to hire a bounty hunter, not at least one worth his salt. If I were rich enough to be able to pay off a good bounty hunter, I might as well buy me a shiny Fer-de-Lance and do it myself.

Newjack reapers are cheap, but I might as well throw my money into a star if I am going to do that. The 'verse has had enough young Badass McFucknuggets die in a blaze of embarrassment because they thought they were top-notch and unstoppable. I'd only be contributing to the statistic.

Another Gin, if you could. Yeah, the same stuff you gave me last time. That wasn't half bad.

I wonder if anyone wants these guys dead? Surely I can't be their only enemy. Get friendly with them and they'll make the problem go away for me.

A Pegasi pirate gang? I'd much rather make love to a cooked hand grenade.

Wait... What's that guy's name? Someone I met after escaping Ronium's ship... He seemed happy to hear of his fate... Bert... Benny... Benito! Yes! He seemed to have his finger in quite a few pies. His friends seemed nice too. Where was he from again? Kremainn?

He probably doesn't even remember who I am, but I suppose it's a start? Sure beats doing nothing I suppose.

I guess that's it then. I'm off to Kremainn.

...after one more drink, that is.
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︎10 Shiny!
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