Logbook entry

A Real Adventure

26 Apr 2024Exofish
April 26, 3310
Eurybia System

I finally went on a "real" journey out of the Bubble. Out to the Coalsack Nebula- and, big spoiler here, but black space dust looks like nothing in the blackness of space. Very underwhelming, but maybe that's just me.
From there, I went to the Pencil Nebula and came across my first asteroid base. I was pretty surprised to find any signs of civilization out that far, let alone a port large enough to handle my 'conda. It was nice, being back around other humans, not counting my crew, of course. We're only four in total, but I'll take that any day over just one.
I then swung 'round to VY Canis Majoris. They said it was big, but it's totally different when you see it in person! Over five *thousand* light seconds out, and my fuel scoop was still drinking hydrogen. There was a visitor's beacon there, too. Felt good to see some cruise ships- signs of life- way out in the black like that. And a fleet carrier, where I got some ammo and repairs and fuel and got to relax for a little while. A skeleton crew of only four out in the middle of nowhere, I have to assume the pay is good!
By the time I got out to Col 132 Sector FQ-X D1-45, I think I felt pretty satisfied with my first exploration, so I decided to call it quits and head home. I stopped at that asteroid port- New Growth- on the way back. Sold some of my exploration data and mingled with some of the people in the bar.
Now I'm back in the Bubble, and ready to take a short break from exploration to focus on kicking the Empire out of Eurybia. Maybe I'll also read up on engineering, as I'm reaching the limit of what a pilot can do in an unengineered ship.

From Chris & Silvia's Paradise Hideout
CMDR Exofish.
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