Logbook entry

Fleet Carrier Announcement: Rest Period

01 Jun 2024Fozzy
Attention all Commanders,

This is an important announcement from the bridge of the fleet carrier [UNTA] SKY HARBOR. We will be halting our jumps for a scheduled rest period from 1300 to 1900 ship time.

During this time, our crew will be conducting essential maintenance tasks to ensure the smooth operation of our systems. Additionally, this break will allow our Commanders to rest and recharge before we continue our journey.

Please note that during this rest period, all services aboard the carrier will remain available, including refueling, rearming, and repair facilities. However, we will not be making any jumps during this time.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your patience as we prioritize the safety and efficiency of our voyage.

Regular jump operations will resume promptly at 1900 ship time.

Clear skies and safe travels!

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