Logbook entry


26 Apr 2024Jack Redmen
I arrived in Colonia less than a week ago after 10 months in the void exploring the Elysian Shore and Temple regions, and I'm already itching to get moving again. I did try to enjoy a dose of civilization, really I did. I had a look at a few of the inhabited systems. I tried to get a read on the local trade and mining economy. I definitely spent some time at the bar in Jaques Station. In the end, the allure of so many unexplored systems got the better of me and I began making my preparations to leave.

I departed Jaques Station earlier today in the Kepler headed for a unique system in Odin's Hold I would like to explore. It is a binary system featuring a black hole and a neutron star. I highly doubt it has gone unnoticed by others, but it should prove interesting nonetheless. I am barely 200 ly out of Colonia and already I am in uncharted territory. The star density in this region of the galaxy is so heavy it is an explorers paradise! I intended to use Colonia as my base of operations for expeditions to the further reaches of the galaxy, but I never imagined there was so much unexplored ground so close to it.
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