Logbook entry

Ship's Log - 3310/05/01 - Vasupari : Recovery

01 May 2024Polychromatic
Thargoids. I never really wanted to do anything with them. Still don't, really, but I suppose I might need to get over that sooner or later.

I figured I'd dip my toes into the war effort. Wasn't about to go and fight them in my Courier, but I headed over to see if I could help out the recovering systems just behind the front lines - and see what I could get for myself out of the deal, too.

As fresh as the offensive on Hadad is, there wasn't a lot of choice. I came over to Vasupari and headed for the closest station. Seems like there's only one troubled ground settlement they care about in the whole system, so they just shoved a power regulator into my hands and sent me on my way. A short supercruise later, I was orbiting the planet - a white wasteland with just the one tiny black dot marking Wallis Excavation Platform.

I landed a good few hundred meters away - just in case - and booted up the Scorpion. Started heading over... and promptly had a dozen reds pop up on the radar. Must've been pirates looking to loot the place while the security was offline. Whoever they were, they weren't friendly. I took a couple out with the guns and ended up having to just hit another with the SRV, but the shields weren't going to hold. I got out on foot and used the buildings for cover. It's been a while since I've gone at it on foot, but I managed to take them out one at a time. Bit of a close call losing my suit shields on the last two, but I made it in the end.

From there, it was a pretty clear shot through to the power structure. Nothing special on the way in - it barely looked like the Thargoids had been there. Took a few forgotten trinkets for myself on the way out. For the extra trouble. I doubt anything will come of it. Think I tripped an alarm when I was looking through the data stores, but I didn't get any odd looks when I headed back to the station to report the power was on. I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe I'll head back out of the system before they get in there to get the excavation started up again.

Anyway. Today, recovery. Tomorrow... maybe something more. Who knows.

Log end.
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