Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: 1 - New Commander in the Stars

26 Aug 2024Moradur
-Logbook Entry: 1
-Date: 26 AUG 3310
-Time: 07:16

-Beginning of Logbook Entry Recording

Well first logbook entry let’s see how this goes. *chuckle*

Let’s start with something about me. I’m commander Moradur right now I’m in the Shinrarta, finally i unlock this system and granted access through a lot of trading with my Type 9 Heavy or BIG LOADER. I’m chilling in the Docks seeing the ships leave and enter the station. I went for some bounty hunting yesterday and tested my newest ship Pythor, it went great, I had a lot of fun. The shield of Pythor work perfectly and not one time they failed me.

Let’s get to another point it’s been a few days since I left my first home station in Bolg before I swapped to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta and with the swap I also left a friend their. For now he doesn’t know I left Bolg but I will let him know in a few days. *sigh*

During the bounty hunting I captured some information where my friend Rapfab went I saw him in a system over 1.200 light years away. I thought to myself: “holy shit that’s a big distance”. I hope he gets back soon and he is alright, also I hope that nothing happens on his trip home. 

Well I think that’s all for today, see you in the stars.

Victor please end logbook entry recording

-Command received 
-End of Logbook Entry Recording 
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