Logbook entry

**Log Entry 003: New Friends**

28 May 2024Galuria Arrowfox
**Log Entry 003: New Friends**

**CMDR Galuria Arrowfox - Stardate: 3310.05.27**

**Location:** Lind Terminal, Varayah System.

Computer... Begin recording...

It's been a challenging day in the cosmos. As I sit here in the dim glow of the control panel, I can't help but feel the weight of my lost memories. Every flicker of the holographic display, every soft hum of the engines, seems like a distant echo of a life I can't quite remember. Flying the the Kitsune is supposed to come naturally, but it's like trying to recall a dream that fades the moment I open my eyes. After a messy flight experience with CMDR Zedakiah Massacure I realized how much more training in flight I needed. So I decided to save the embarrassment and get to training.

The hardest part has been landing. No matter how many simulations I run or how many hours I spend in the cockpit, I just can't seem to get it right. Each attempt ends in a rough landing that rattles the ship and shakes my confidence. Today, after another series of frustratingly bumpy descents, I knew I needed a break.

That's when I met him – CMDR Rosheka. A space cowboy with a rugged charm and a smile that could light up the darkest corners of the galaxy. We crossed paths at the Starport Tavern at Lind Terminal, where I decided to take a much-needed respite. He saw the weariness in my eyes, the frustration etched on my face, and offered to buy me a drink.

We talked for hours, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt a spark of joy. CMDR Rosheka had a way of making the universe feel smaller, less daunting. He shared stories of his adventures, of the vast, uncharted territories he'd explored. In return, I told him what little I could remember about my own journeys. There was an undeniable connection between us, a shared understanding of the struggles and triumphs of life among the stars.

Our conversation shifted to combat and I decided to take some mercenary missions with him, and that's when I discovered something surprising about myself. On the ground, I was a natural fighter. CMDR Rosheka and I sparred in the training room, and it was as if my body remembered what my mind could not. Every move, every counter, flowed effortlessly. It was exhilarating and empowering, a reminder that even though I've lost my memories, my skills are still there, buried deep within me.

It was also during this break that I met CMDR Imidris and CMDR Sl3ndy. CMDR Imidris is a fierce warrior with a heart of gold, always ready with a word of encouragement or a piece of sage advice. CMDR Slendy, on the other hand, is a bit of an enigma – quiet and reserved , but with an intensity that speaks volumes. They’ve become my companions, my friends in this vast, lonely expanse of space.

Together, we've faced countless challenges and discovered new corners of the galaxy. Each day is a step closer to uncovering the secrets of my past and mastering the skills I've lost. And with CMDR Rosheka by my side, I feel like I can face whatever the cosmos throws my way.

Tonight, as I look out at the stars, I feel a glimmer of hope. My journey is far from over, and the road ahead is uncertain. But I am Galuria Arrowfox, adventurer of the cosmos, and I will find my way.

Ria out... wait why did I just say that?

Computer End Recording.
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