Logbook entry

**Log Entry 004: A Place to Maybe Call Home**

29 May 2024Galuria Arrowfox
**Log Entry 004: A Place to Maybe Call Home**

**CMDR Galuria Arrowfox - Stardate: 3310.05.28**

**Location:** Scalehavens Rest

It's my first day on the Scalehaven's Rest where CMDR Zedakiah Massacre took me to be safe, and the experience has been nothing short of overwhelming. The sheer size and complexity of this fleet carrier are astounding. The hangar bay was my first introduction to this marvel of engineering, where a flurry of activity greeted me—ships of various sizes being serviced, their hulls gleaming under the bright lights, and the constant hum of machinery blending with the chatter of the crew. The smell of fuel and metal was both strange and oddly comforting.

Navigating through the ship, I found myself marveling at the intricate designs and efficient layout. The walls are adorned with insignias and banners, hinting at a rich history and countless stories. Each corridor seems to lead to a new discovery: the command center buzzing with strategic operations, the crew quarters alive with camaraderie, and the mess hall where laughter and stories flow freely over shared meals.

I haven’t talked much with the crew yet. They seem friendly, but my shyness holds me back. I catch their curious glances and hear the soft whispers about the new arrival with no past. My attempts at conversation have been halting, the words sticking in my throat. I hope that with time, I’ll find it easier to connect with them.

One unexpected turn of events is that I came into some money recently. The details are hazy, like much of my past, but the credits were enough to purchase a new Python Mk II. The moment I saw her, I knew she was meant to be mine. Naming her was an instinctive act—I called her GallyFoxLove. I have no idea why that name came to mind, but it felt right, like a piece of a puzzle clicking into place. There’s something about her sleek design and formidable capabilities that resonates with me, stirring a sense of familiarity and belonging.

Then there’s CMDR Zedakiah. I spotted him across the hangar bay earlier today, his presence commanding and authoritative. The moment I laid eyes on him, a sharp pain lanced through my head, a surging headache that forced me to grip the nearest bulkhead for support. It was as if my mind was rebelling against the recognition of something deeply buried. I couldn’t approach him, not yet. Every instinct tells me that he holds answers, but my fragmented memories and the pain they bring are a barrier I can’t yet cross.

Instead, I spent the rest of the day familiarizing myself with the various sections of the carrier. The observation deck offers a breathtaking view of the stars, a reminder of the vastness of space and the adventures that await. The engineering bay is a maze of machinery and technical marvels, where the crew’s ingenuity keeps the carrier operational. I’ve also found solace in the quieter corners of the ship, small nooks where I can sit and think, trying to piece together the fragments of my past.

As the day draws to a close, I’m left with a mix of emotions. There’s a sense of awe at the scale and efficiency of Scalehaven’s Rest, but also a lingering feeling of isolation. My past is a shadow that looms over me, and the headaches are a constant reminder of the memories I’ve lost. But there’s also a glimmer of hope. Being here, amidst these people and this vessel, feels like a step towards something significant. Perhaps, in time, I’ll find the courage to confront CMDR Zedakiah and uncover the truths that lie hidden in my mind.

For now, I’ll take it one day at a time, learning the rhythms of the ship and slowly integrating into its community. I have a feeling that Scalehaven’s Rest will play a crucial role in my journey, and I’m determined to see it through.

Galuria signing off, Computer End Recording.
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