Logbook entry

Captains Log: Stardate: 3310.10:

09 Sep 2024Admrl Sandog
I and the crew had found two nebulae's in close proximity and from what we think, they're known as the "heart & soul" according to records and scans. We found an Earth-like world with a breathable atmosphere of carbon dioxide and Oxygen, and the temprature being around 32° Celsius, just not far from the nebulae's, around 74Ly to be exact. I assembled a crew of me, Malcolm Reed, T'pol and chip Tucker, Hoshi Sato, and a few other crewmen to beam down to the surface, and to our surprise we were right next to this beautiful reservoir with a river streaming which eventually would lead up to a waterfall, it was weird being on this planet and not seeing buildings or civilisation, it's as if we were on normal earth previous to the big bang and human evolution. We completed a few scans but no life forms were detected, but when we got closer to the water our signals were off the charts, we found similar beings to what us humans would call "fish" back on Earth. We beamed back up to Enterprise(Anaconda), and got the replicator to replicate some fishing rods, bait and other essentials needed for the fun and relaxing activity us humans would call "fishing". We set up camp for the night and everyone was having fun, T'pol being a Vulcan, like most Vulcans was trained from young to hide her emotions, and at first she was being her usual self, but after I taught her how to fish, I could tell she was having fun, this is what we all needed, me included, a break or a holiday if you will, the morale and mentality of the crew was clearly in a much better place. We caught a salmon like fish for dinner, but the rest of fish we caught were released, we didn't want to disrupt any Alien species that maybe weren't picking up on our sensors, as for all we know what we were doing could be highly wrong in their culture. We set down for the night, while the rest of the crew were getting on the verge of sleep, I and T'pol sat and watched the sun set, it was magnificent, breathe taking even. T'pol and I sat for hours talking about the events of the night and she even in her own way admitted she had fun, I think it's what she needed as well. Morning came, but I had hardly slept, the view was just too good to miss especially being able to see those beautiful nebulae's in the sky, we eventually beamed back up to Enterprise(Anaconda), and continued on our way, everyone seemed in a much better place and the atmosphere of the ship was extraordinary. This was a good day for I and the crew, we all definitely needed it. End of Log.
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