Logbook entry

Log 3 - Preparations for War

19 Jul 2024Ethan Cenick
Winding down for the night and I'm happy to say my men and I were able to help deliver a decisive blow to our allies' enemies in the war we were enlisted to aid in. The fighting was fierce but all of us were able to walk away from the battles without much issue, save one pilot who needed to rebuy his Mamba and take some time to recover.

It was clear after fighting spec ops forces that we may know our way around hazrez sites and pirate bounties, but warfare is an entirely other ballgame. As such I'm leading my men on an expedition to outfit our ships to the teeth so we can become even more decisive instruments in the battles we engage in...human or otherwise.

Getting into this network of engineers is....complicated to put it nicely. I never used to be the social type, so learning to get on good graces with these enigmatic figures has been a bit outside my comfort zone but a worthwhile endeavor nonetheless. The materials needed for the upgrades are quite steep as well, hence the expedition to get all these materials in one go.

Luckily, one of our allies has a fleet carrier that he is lending to our cause, and this is making the expedition significantly easier. This weekend we all load up to farm our materials and return to The Bubble to begin the arduous process of outfitting and preparing for war...war with the Thargoids.

It pains me to see so much conflict going on near Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5. However, it won't do anyone any good for us to merely get in the way and be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. The next 2-3 weeks will be drudgery, but worth it, as we will all be able to decisively aid in the Thargoid war effort for the remaining titans still in our galaxy.

It has only just begun.

Glory to humanity.

-Ethan Cenick
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