Logbook entry

Log 5 - Assault on Thor: Day 1 (Pictures)

16 Aug 2024Ethan Cenick
It's been a while but I'm back and catching up. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster for me the last few weeks, but I've made massive progress in engineering my ships and am back from the farther systems.

Visiting the Guardian sites and beacons was a surreal experience. The technology these people were capable of.....how could they have just gone extinct? These devices are unlike anything I've ever seen. I'm just glad people smarter than me have learned how to reverse engineer their technology so we can use them to our benefit.

I was also able to visit some kind of map room in what appeared to be a crashed Thargoid titan. I felt my blood boil as I neared the settlement, ready for combat, but was surprised to find that none of the Thargoid drones were hostile towards me. At first, at least.

It was the same as at the barnacle sites. Those ugly, awful things. But not a single Thargoid was hostile to my presence. I even saw an Interceptor phase into the barnacle site and it didn't even pay attention to me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified I'd be killed off in the blink of an eye when I looked up and saw it materialize out of witch space, but the fear quickly turned into curiousity as it just......went about its business.

It made me think of the logs I scanned at Jameson's crash site......are.....are we?......

No, no it had to have been a fluke. The Thargoids have been merciless to our home systems, it must have been a fluke. Maybe the Interceptor I saw wasn't a hostile variant, maybe it returned and reported my location and I just got out of there in time.

It was just so....odd. It appeared none of the Thargoids I saw were aware of the war we were in. Are they like us? We have thousands of pilots in Colonia completely detached from the war and the Bubble at large, maybe these Thargoids are in a similar boat. Maybe they're not aware of the war, or maybe they're conscientious objectors. Are they even capable of such a state of mind?

In any case, I activated the map room to create the relics needed for Ram Tah and the other Guardian-obsessed eggheads in the Bubble, blew up some drones, and made my way back to civilization.

Not long after, I got word from the Pilot's Federation that Thor was vulnerable, and I began my assault.

Regardless of what I saw out there, war here is real, and present, and that's what matters.

My first assault on Thor I dealt much more damage than my run on Indra, though my Chieftan's canopy cracked and I had to make a last second getaway before the 'goids got to me. I had more time to react this time so I made it out without any injuries other than an injury to my wallet. When I made it back to the station, my Krait II had arrived, so I boarded my new Titan-focused ship and headed back. The Krait II is in a league of its own, I was able to do multiple runs on Thor with little to no damage to my ship. That is, until the Hunters came in. Once they arrived, I decided to leave instead of lose yet another ship in this fight and risk my life.

I'm currently aboard an AXI-affiliated carrier, resting before I come back and help deliver the final blows to Thor.

It feels good to be able to be useful in this war, now. I still have much to learn, but AXI has been good to me and I look forward to Thor's destruction.

Glory to mankind
-Ethan Cenick
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