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Uncovering Secrets: Guardian Ruins, Human Structures, and the Mystery of Survival, GalNet Where are you?

14 Sep 2024Jay8454
While investigating the Guardian Ruins, I stumbled upon an unexpected human-made structure! Is this worthy of Galnet? I certainly hope so.

The location is IC 2391 Sector YE-A d103, Planet B1. I know the planet has been discovered before, but I don’t know much about its history. This structure is on the opposite side from where ongoing Guardian research is taking place. The purpose of the human structure is unclear—there are Skimmers guarding it, which makes me wonder. Could it be something nefarious? Or maybe I’ve just gone a little nuts after too much exploring?


The Guardians, believed to have been extinct for over a million years, are still an enigma. But what if they’re not all gone? The machines they built, originally designed to protect them, turned against them—kind of like those old pre-World War 3 movies… what were those machines called again? Terminators? Haha, cult classics. Anyway, could those machines really have wiped out an entire advanced civilization? I just don’t buy it. There are even rumors that if we ever found the Guardian homeworld, their machines might see us as a threat and try to destroy us too. I’ve got mixed feelings about that. Whenever I come across their triangular "Sentinels," they don’t seem so dangerous—my modern weapons make quick work of them. Maybe their tech, once formidable, has fallen behind over the millennia. But if we did find their world... who knows what we’d uncover?

I’ve also heard rumors that many Guardians were able to upload their consciousness into their network. That thought just sounds... lonely. Dystopian, even. Stuck in some digital matrix for eternity. I had a strange dream once after a pretty rough knockout. My brother was showing me a new plasma rifle he’d picked up in Diaguandri; EXO uses them all the time, he said—and as he was walking toward me, he tripped on a rock and the weapon used my head as a landing pad. I was out cold. While I was unconscious, I had these vivid dreams of strange pathways through the stars. I could see everything but couldn’t interact with anything. It felt terrifyingly lonely, like being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. When I woke up, they told me I’d only been out for five minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. Maybe that was the moment I decided to start searching for the Guardians.

I can’t shake the feeling that some Guardians survived. What if they reverted to a more primitive state to hide from their own creations? Faced with such an overwhelming threat, that might’ve been their only option. If I were in their position, I’d outthink the machines by becoming what they least expect—tribal, primal, hidden.

And then, of course, there’s the Thargoids. The war with them escalates daily. We push them back, only to hear about their next counterattack. But I don’t think they’re here just to destroy us. They’re searching for something. Raxxla, maybe? I believe the Guardians are tied to that puzzle too. The Dark Wheel has always kept its secrets close, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they know more about the Guardians than they let on. We, as explorers, need to keep pushing forward, keep searching. The answers are out there.

I join the AX fights whenever I can, supporting our fighters in the war. But I know balance is key—we must keep searching for the truth. There’s an old Earth saying from a pre-war TV show: “To boldly go where no person has gone before,” right?

The keys—Raxxla, the Guardians, the Thargoids—are scattered across the galaxy. We just have to keep looking.

Anyway, fellow Commanders, I thought I’d share my log for today, Sep 14th, 3310. Secrest OUT, and o7 all!
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