Logbook entry

Monolith Cab Unit

The Monolith moves in mysterious ways, it seems. My master implied before his passing that I would receive my own Cobra in time. I assumed it would be that which held my first CMDRs logs. Then I got a call from the Macmillan Terminal Charity Concern.

"Congratulations on saving over 9000 souls! In recognition of your services, The Monolith Preacher Enlightenment Foundation has been chosen as a sponsor..."

I knew the rest. When the Empire "picks" you to sponsor something, you'd better hope you've got the funds. Otherwise, you're not going to be trading any of their slaves for a while. And in my line of work, that's all there is. So I've had to pool the resources of my charity to fund this tourism service.

Sure, they paid for a lick of yellow paint on the cab, but their gratuity didn't extend to fitting it with back seats. Apparently, the look is supposed to hail back to "...those masses who, without their own transport, found a way around the sprawl, and those varied drivers who took them." Some big metaphor for the way iSlavery feeds the populace, no doubt. They're always harking on about that one. I'm sure the space dust it collects will go to signify the downtrodden given a week's media coverage next year.

"Slavery builds character" they say. Well, they don't enlighten slaves half as well as we do. And I suppose that brings us to the meat of the matter. When I first stepped into my master's Cobra, I noticed the Lave number plate. When I asked my master about its rust, he replied it had been handed down from "The First Space Preacher". He told me I was a student until the Monolith provided me with my own Cobra to put it upon.

He has since passed away, when I become worthy of taking his place I will need to train a successor. My hope is that I can structure my CMDRs log in such a way as to provide practical first-hand experience of preaching the Will of the Monolith, as well as some history of its ways and practices.

It's unlikely anyone's going to raid a charity vehicle before it's launched, and tourist season doesn't start for a while.so I'll put some stuff here before I forget. I can always port it over to the Cobra later and delete any sensitive information....properly.

Speaking of forgetting, I've got to install the Enlightenment Machines in the back of this cab, so I'll sign off now and do so.
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