Logbook entry

For the Mug!

So, long story short, I made it to Sag A*, dropped my last mug in supercruise, then waited for the rather sporting CMDR Libby Longshot to come 3K to drop me another. Short story long...

This all started when I did my first Hutton Run as part of the many others helping to create the Hutton Mug. I was lucky enough to miss CODE's blockade, but unlucky to have also missed the info telling me to get some metal ere I turned up. Luckily, some fellow truckers had some spare.

As I was queuing for a dock, I noticed someone nearby. I had to check my contacts twice, but it was him. CMDR AJRimmer, in the flesh. I was lucky enough to have a short conversation, and all I can say is...what a guy! Taking such a brush with epic-ness as inspiration, I took it upon myself to christen my Hutton Mug by taking part in the Black Riband.

Suffice to say I didn't win. In fact, it took me twice as long as my Hutton Run had. I felt like a failure when I came back home to Gcirthi. I kept my head down and ground out the cash in shame. Then the GIMPP appeared, and I saw it as an opportunity to regain face in the eyes of my fellow pirates and truckers alike.

When I got to Sag A*, I felt as foolish as I had at Hutton when I was waiting for Libby. Again, I'd made it all this way, and again, I had hit the last hurdle with my face. If CMDR AJRimmer took the GIMPP, I'm sure he did it on the first day, continued to Beagle's Point via Silentium Shores, and will be back in time for christmas. Me? I barely made it here...

...and then it dawned on me. I had made it here. On my own. Just as I had made it to Hutton. And despite taking forever to do my Black Riband run, I didn't get caught even once when many faster than me had done so. And that time includes what I took to skim a shot off every tonne I transported. I may be a preacher, but I'm still a pyrat at heart. The GIMPP wasn't just about me, it was about the comradeship with my fellow truckers.

So I'm taking my time on the way back. I'm no AJRimmer, but I'm doing alright as a pyrat preacher. And I think I can truly call myself a Hutton Trucker if I make it back home in one piece. If that's not enough for the lads in Gcirthi, well....they can try this drink I've knocked up.

The Truck Stopper:

Get yourself a decent whiskey glass.

Pour in a shot Leestian Evil Juice. I say "pour", but that stuff's so thick you might need a ladle!
Then, pour a shot of Lavian Brandy over a spoon so it settles on the top.
Now comes the tricky part:
You've got to pour a shot of Rusani Old Smokey first, Eranin Pearl second, and give them five seconds to mix in the glass.
Then, You've got to pour the Bast Snake Gin slow enough that it settles on top of this mix.
This is the hardest part, and only the best mixologists are able to attempt it without the use of an anti-grav decanter.
Then, it's just a case of topping with Wuthielo Ku Froth, a pinch of Tarach Spice for kick and a shaving of Onion Head for warmth.

Did that tire you out? So does the run for the ingredients!

Best to write it down, I won't be able to ask for another any time soon!
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︎9 Shiny!
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